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Commissioning Strategies Group Joining up services for children and families of offenders National and local responses Sarah Davis, national lead, National.

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Presentation on theme: "Commissioning Strategies Group Joining up services for children and families of offenders National and local responses Sarah Davis, national lead, National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commissioning Strategies Group Joining up services for children and families of offenders National and local responses Sarah Davis, national lead, National Offender Management Service (NOMS) Tim Carter, Assistant Director, Barnardo’s and seconded to NOMS

2 Commissioning Strategies Group Why are drain covers often round?

3 Commissioning Strategies Group

4 Joining up services What are the barriers to overcome? No shared outcomes between agencies Prison narrow focus on child protection Problems in identifying the children Commissioning across LA boundaries OASYs limitations in focusing on risk than need Limits to information sharing Removal of regional planning structures Impact of re-structuring on momentum Overcrowding works against local planning for prisons

5 Commissioning Strategies Group What enables it to happen? Resources Partnership working Links with existing integrated approaches Strategy/ Policy Practice Identification of families and information sharing Schools Wales

6 Commissioning Strategies Group Moving forward 1.National framework guidance to support prison specifications and outcome guidance 2.DCLG Troubled Families unit specific focus on families with multiple/ complex needs 3.Community Budget pilots d evolved decision making and budgetary control for children and family related services 4.Growing awareness Local Authority Children’s Plans, Hidden Sentence Training, engagement of Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards 5.Reducing offending / re-offending the economic case

7 Commissioning Strategies Group National picture Cross government working Social Justice Strategy Troubled Families programme NOMS / DfE family support programme Building the evidence base – Desistence theories Commissioning intentions and specification of service National strategy – local interpretation and implementation

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