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1 Budgetary Issues Budgeted for 56 total attendees at subcommittee meetings, including co-chairs We have budgeted for each subcommittee to have 2 face-to-face.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Budgetary Issues Budgeted for 56 total attendees at subcommittee meetings, including co-chairs We have budgeted for each subcommittee to have 2 face-to-face."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Budgetary Issues Budgeted for 56 total attendees at subcommittee meetings, including co-chairs We have budgeted for each subcommittee to have 2 face-to-face meetings Current subcommittee structure has –8 for Airborne Measurements –7 for Airborne Platforms –18 for Surface Measurements/Networks –8 for Satellite Data –7 for Solar Measurements –8 for Emerging Technologies –6 for Data Support = TOTAL of 62, plus Karyn and Bob = 64

2 2 Possible Savings 6 subcommittee members are NOAA personnel (= 58) The Data Support subcommittee is made up of 6 NCAR personnel, so no travel required (= 52) [There are also ~5 other subcommittee members who may be federal employees. Whether we can fund their travel depends upon their exact agency. If we are unable to pay their expenses, these would be added savings.] Realizing these savings would mean that we could finance the subcommittees as they stand now.

3 3 Budgets for subcommittee meetings Each face-to-face subcommittee meeting is budgeted at $7,500 total (travel, refreshments, conference calls, etc). This is based on Boulder per diem; if co-chairs elect to hold their subcommittee meetings at another location (which could have higher per diem), they must still adhere to the above budget. Plans must be approved in advance. Contact Sara Metz for travel and meeting arrangements, including teleconferences.

4 4 Next Steps Is it appropriate for Steve/Mark attend every subcommittee meeting? What instructions to give to subcommittees? Draft invitation language Send invitations to potential subcommittee members – request response by April 30 Review schedule for upcoming meetings and tasks

5 5 Schedule Mid-May to mid-June 2006:subcommittees have first face-to-face meetings (~1.5 day meetings) By September 1, 2006:subcommittees have second face-to-face meetings (~1.5 day meetings) By October 1, 2006:subcommittees submit draft reports November 2006:steering committee has second face-to- face meeting to review draft report (~1.5-2 day meeting) February 2007:steering- and sub-committees hold workshop to work on the draft report, find gaps, etc, with select, small number of invitees from community (~2 day meeting) March 2007:larger community-wide workshop, to identify high-priority areas for R&D on new instruments and facilities based on scientific needs (~2 day meeting) July 2007:steering committee discusses BAMS submission paper via email and teleconference

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