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Digital Scotland Pathfinder Projects abcdefgh ijkl Jim Buchan (UKERNA) Highland Pathfinder - Interim Project Manager

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Scotland Pathfinder Projects abcdefgh ijkl Jim Buchan (UKERNA) Highland Pathfinder - Interim Project Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Scotland Pathfinder Projects abcdefgh ijkl Jim Buchan (UKERNA) Highland Pathfinder - Interim Project Manager

2 Purpose of this talk Overview - the Pathfinders Project partners Working groups Time-scales Some details about current technical thinking abcdefgh ijkl

3 The Pathfinders - Geographical abcdefgh ijkl South of Scotland Borders Region Dumfries & Galloway Highland Highland Council Moray Council Argyll & Bute Council Western Isles Council Orkney Council Shetland Council

4 The Pathfinders - Public Sector Local authorities: Schools Libraries Other services Health: GPs Hospitals Higher & further education- later abcdefgh ijkl

5 The Pathfinders - Private Sector Enterprise Networks Identify and stimulate private sector demand hope to include some information about business in the Invitation To Negotiate (ITN) document Providing a network for business is not a direct requirement of the Pathfinder procurement exercise. abcdefgh ijkl

6 Minister took legal advice - late 2001 Recommendation - Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for each Pathfinder Set up SPV in first half of 2002 Aim to start procurement mid 2002 abcdefgh ijkl Contracting Authority

7 Conducted by SPV's but Executive to start the process Procurement support from Central Team at the Executive and LA's Conduct separate process for each Pathfinder abcdefgh ijkl Procurement Strategy

8 Current Work - the Pathfinders abcdefgh ijkl Central team in Executive Steering group for each pathfinder Interim project manager for each pathfinder Technical and Legal Groups formed and active

9 Current Thinking abcdefgh ijkl Communication needs aggregated and delivered over a common physical infrastructure Deliver a multi-service network (Data/Voice/Multi-Media) High availability and reliability Guaranteed performance for real time applications (Voice and Video) where required

10 Public Sector - Areas abcdefgh ijkl Local Authority Administration/Libraries (many more locations) Education (Primary/Secondary/Special schools emerging needs for high bandwidth) Health Service ( NHSNet replacement/supplement)

11 Aggregated Procurement Volume of business helps telcos build business case Secures VfM for public sector Base for wider provision of services to business and consumers abcdefgh ijkl

12 Aggregation abcdefgh ijkl Main aim is to aggregate the needs of the public sector partners To procure a common communications infrastructure Avoid duplication of network infrastructure Encourage investment in the basic telecommunications infrastructure where market force cannot achieve this.

13 abcdefgh ijkl Level of Aggregation

14 abcdefgh ijkl Meeting Sector / Partner needs Each Partner has specific requirements The network must be engineered to provide specific features to each partner Support for real time applications Guaranteed performance High reliability and availability Data segregation/security etc. Affordability and Value for Money

15 abcdefgh ijkl Pathfinder - VPN Model

16 abcdefgh ijkl NHSNet JANET Pathfinder 1Pathfinder 2 Health VPN Education VPN Interconnects Internet

17 Summary Highland Pathfinder abcdefgh ijkl Interim project manager in place Pathfinders are now actively working on Procurement Local support mechanisms are in place Legal Advice about SPV has been taken (LA partners are considering this) Technical work underway to define requirements/ specifications Currently surveying partners about available recurrent budgets

18 The End abcdefgh ijkl Jim Buchan (UKERNA) Highland Pathfinder - Interim Project Manager

19 digital infrastructure Ensuring that Scotland has a world- class communications infrastructure that allows all parts and sectors of Scotland the opportunity to participate fully in the benefits of a digital scotland Affordable pervasive access to high quality broadband services abcdefgh ijkl

20 digital inclusion Using new technologies proactively to reduce social exclusion and ensuring that access to the web is pervasive and affordable for all Committed to universal access to the web by 2005 abcdefgh ijkl

21 digital skills ensuring the workforce and people have the right skills to seize the opportunities delivered by new technologies - as individuals, for communities, and for businesses abcdefgh ijkl

22 digital business Opportunities for businesses provided by digital technologies to improve: productivity competitiveness marketing access to foreign markets abcdefgh ijkl

23 Strategic co-ordination Clear vision Development of detailed strategies Active involvement by all parts of the Executive Monitoring Scotland's performance abcdefgh ijkl

24 broadband broadband strategy possible approaches  co-ordinated procurement of public services  pump-priming investment  regulatory intervention abcdefgh ijkl

25 digital inclusion A digital divide - low take up by low income groups people with poor literacy and numeracy older people Will increase social disadvantage abcdefgh ijkl

26 digital inclusion Tackling the digital divide - a strategy access skills support content awareness community involvement abcdefgh ijkl

27 Conclusions Digital technologies will continue to transform many aspects of the way we all work and live Clearly important that the Executive maintains and builds its focus on ensuring that all of Scotland benefits abcdefgh ijkl

28 Summary Using new technologies proactively to reduce social exclusion and ensuring that access to the web is pervasive and affordable for all Committed to universal access to the web by 2005 abcdefgh ijkl

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