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2 Warm-up: Imagine that you are moving into the neighborhood shown below
Warm-up: Imagine that you are moving into the neighborhood shown below. Which backyard would you choose? Why?

3 One of your new neighbors proposes that the fences should be taken down forming one common backyard. List two advantages and two disadvantages of this plan. Then explain why you would approve or disapprove of your neighbor’s proposal.


5 A force that divides people and countries
Centrifugal Force A force that divides people and countries

6 A force that unites people and countries
Centripetal Force A force that unites people and countries

7 Common Market A group of countries that acts as a single market, without trade barriers between member countries

8 Supranational Cooperation
A form of international cooperation in which countries give up some control of their affairs as they work together to achieve shared goals

9 European Union

10 History of Europe Battleground – World Wars pitted European countries against each other.

11 History of Europe May 9, 1950 Robert Schuman made a famous speech about bringing Europe together which would lead to long-lasting peace

12 Peaceful Cooperation European Coal and Steel Community – 6 countries – created a common market Same 6 moved to European Economic Community – reduced trade barriers for many goods. Became known as Common Market and more countries joined

13 Peaceful Cooperation 1993 – 12 Common Market countries formed the European Union (EU)

14 Peaceful Cooperation 2012 Now 27 countries

15 Peaceful Cooperation Main goals – encourage peace and economic well-being Works to create jobs, protect citizens’ rights, and preserve the environment Promotes freedom, security and justice

16 Europe Prior to the EU Hard for citizens to live or work in another country Each country had its own currency Each charged tariffs on imports from its neighbors – raised prices

17 Economic Forces

18 Economic Forces Unite Divide

19 Economic Forces that Unite the EU
What kind of force is this? Centripetal Force!

20 Economic Forces that Unite the EU
Common market Allows goods and workers to travel more freely across borders. More choices of what to buy No tariffs = lower prices Workers can travel freely to find jobs

21 Economic Forces that Unite the EU
2. Common currency – euro In many EU countries it has replaced the national currency Easier to travel and trade across the EU

22 The euro – a single currency for Europeans
EU countries using the euro EU countries not using the euro 22

23 Economic Forces that Unite the EU
3. EU trading bloc Allows EU countries to have more power in the global economy than they would have individually.

24 Economic Forces that Divide the EU
What kind of force is this? Centrifugal Force

25 Economic Forces that Divide the EU
1. W. European nations are wealthier than those in Central or E. Europe EU spends large amounts of money on projects in poorer nations and some W. Europeans object to this

26 Economic Forces that Divide the EU
2. Workers in the West are higher paid Living costs are higher in W. Europe Some businesses have moved factories to the poorer E. European countries

27 Economic Forces that Divide the EU
Some Western Europeans also worry about losing jobs to other EU workers who are willing to work for less money

28 Economic Forces that Divide the EU
3. Not all countries adopted the Euro in 2002 Three refused and kept their own: UK, Sweden, Denmark. Others are not allowed to adopt the euro since they did not have a stable economy

29 Green – Countries that use the Euro
Blue – countries that chose not to or are not allowed to use the Euro

30 Political Cooperation

31 Political Cooperation
EU encourages political cooperation among its members All take part in a common EU government

32 Political Cooperation
The EU government does not replace a country’s government It is a supranational government – works above the governments of the EU countries

33 EU Government 1. Council of the European Union
Main decision –making body National leaders from each member country Sets overall goals

34 EU Government 2.European Commission – executive body
Made up of commissioners See that EU decisions are carried out

35 EU Government 3.European Parliament – largest body
Citizens directly elect its 700 members Watch over the work of the EU Approve or block budget

36 Representation in the European Parliament, 2005
The people of the EU elect its members. Elections are held every 5 years. Countries with more people have more reps.

37 Political Cooperation
Unite Divide

38 EU Government Unites 1. Strengthens Europe’s voice in world affairs.

39 EU Government Unites 2. Works on issues that all Europeans share, like trans national pollution: like acid rain

40 EU Government Unites 3. With European citizenship, citizens of member nations can live and work anywhere in the EU and vote in all EU elections.

41 EU Government Divides 1. Countries may have to carry out decisions they do not agree with When a country joins the EU, they have to give some power to the EU government

42 EU Government Divides 2.Some European countries want to make their own decisions in areas like defense and foreign affairs, especially when they disagree with EU decisions

43 EU Government Divides 3. Cooperation becomes more difficult with more countries and cultures

44 EU Government Divides 4. Idea of citizenship is hard for some
Recent poll of Europeans said that almost ½ would not mind if the EU disappeared Fear national identity will get lost

45 Cultural Cooperation

46 Cultural Cooperation Unite Divide

47 EU Promotes European Cultural Identity
1. Promotes a common European cultural identity

48 EU Promotes European Cultural Identity
2. Cultural symbols EU flag EU anthem – “Ode to Joy” Europe Day – May 9 Encourage youth to learn other languages

49 EU Promotes European Cultural Identity
3. EU passports - Increased travel unites Europe by allowing Europeans to begin to view Europe as one united region

50 Forces working Against European Cultural Identity
1. There are 23 official languages so communication can be difficult EU speeches and documents must be translated into 20 languages

51 23 official languages 51

52 Forces working Against European Cultural Identity
2. National pride 3. Cultural traditions Czech food Bullfighting

53 Global Connections

54 Other International Organizations
FTAA - Free Trade Area of the Americas - economic NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization – defense


56 Add Asian Tigers

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