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1 Bacteria

2 What are bacteria Prokaryotes
Cell membrane is surrounded by a cell wall Chromosome is a single strand of DNA No mitochondria, chloroplasts, nuclear membrane………

3 Bacterial Structure Typical size: 1-10 micromenter ( micrometer for eukaryote cells) Single circular chromosome (DNA) Cell membrane made of protein and lipids Cell wall present Sometimes plasmids present

4 Bacterial Cell Wall Composed of complex carbohydrate and peptidoglycan
Functions to regulate transport (molecules that flow in and out of the cell) Bacteria are identified based on their cell walls

5 Hans Christian Gram and His Stain
Cell walls with carbohydrate take up the stain that Gram invented These cells are purple under a light microscope They are called Gram-positive bacteria Cell walls with carbohydrate and lipids do not take up Grams stain These cells are not purple under a light microscope These are Gram-negative bacteria Infection with Gram-negative bacteria is usually very serious

6 Structure and Function
Cell classified by shape Bacillus (bacilli) are rod shaped Coccus (cocci) are spherical Spirillum (spirilli) are spiral shaped Nutrition and metabolism Energy capture (page 582) Metabolism (page 583)

7 Two Kingdoms of Bacteria
Eubacteria Archaebacteria Classification based on differences in ribosomal RNA

8 Eubacteria Largest group of bacteria Found everywhere
Diverse ecology and biochemistry Some are photosynthetic, free living in soil, parasitic

9 Archaebacteria Ancient bacteria
Live in extreme environments (extremeophiles) Many survive in the absence of oxygen Cells walls lack peptidoglycan

10 Growth and Reproduction
Binary Fission Conjugation Spore formation

11 Binary Fission Cell doubles in size Chromosome replicates
Cell splits into two identical daughter cells No exchange of genetic information This is asexual reproduction

12 Conjugation Protein bridge forms between two cells
Some DNA exchanged between the cells Cells incorporate the new DNA, chromosome replicates Cells divide This is a form of sexual reproduction

13 Sporulation Form a structure called a spore when environmental conditions are adverse Spore encloses some cytoplasm and the DNA Spore resists heat, drying, desiccation, radiation, and chemical disinfectants Spore survives for years When conditions are better the spore “hatches” and the bacteria can grow again

14 Bacteria and disease Pasteur found the link between bacteria and disease Strep throat, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, tetanus, syphilis, gonorrhea, cholera, lyme disease, bubonic plague, food poisoning, botulism

15 Bacteria cause disease in two ways
Attacking cells and tissues of the body directly, using cells and tissues for nutrients Producing toxins which in turn interfere with functions in the body Fighting disease Vaccination Antibiotics

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