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SAS ODS (Output Delivery System) Donald Miller 812 Oswald Tower 3-3155;

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Presentation on theme: "SAS ODS (Output Delivery System) Donald Miller 812 Oswald Tower 3-3155;"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAS ODS (Output Delivery System) Donald Miller 812 Oswald Tower 3-3155;

2 ODS Purpose To allow more stylized / fancier output for SAS jobs, using HTML, PDF, RTF, or Postscript To eliminate the need for macros that used to convert standard SAS output to a Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or HTML document

3 Standard SAS Output proc print data=leprechauns; run; proc means data=leprechauns; var height gold; run; ________________________________________________________

4 ODS HTML Output ods html body="D:\projects\workshops\SAS_ODS\leprechauns.html"; proc print data=leprechauns; run; proc means data=leprechauns; var height gold; run; ods html close;

5 SAS HTML Output (with frames)

6 ods html path="D:\projects\workshops\SAS_ODS\“/* output files path */ body="leprechauns_body.html" /* body */ contents="leprechauns_contents.html“ /* table of contents */ frame="leprechauns_frame.html" /* main webpage */ page="leprechauns_page.html“ /* table of pages */ base=“”;/* URL prefix (optional) */ proc print data=leprechauns; run; proc means data=leprechauns; var height gold; run; ods html close;

7 SAS PDF Output ods pdf file="D:\projects\workshops\SAS_ODS\leprechauns.pdf"; proc print data=leprechauns; run; proc means data=leprechauns; var height gold; run; ods pdf close;

8 Other ODS formats available RTF (Rich Text Format) ods rtf file="D:\temp\leprechauns.rtf"; … ods rtf close; Postscript ods printer file=“D:\temp\”; … ods printer close; XML (Extensible Markup Language) ods xml file="D:\temp\leprechauns.xml"; … ods xml close; Latex ods latex path = "C:\temp" gpath = "C:\temp\ps" (url="ps/") style = Journal; ods graphics on;... ods graphics off; ods latex close;

9 Other ODS topics You can specify styles (colors, themes, etc.) by using the STYLE= option Get a list of all the tables that are generated: ods trace output; … ods trace off; You can select individual tables to include in the output. Look at the output of the trace, then add: ods select ; before your other ods statements. You can also customize the output using PROC TEMPLATE. You can output a table directly to a SAS dataset: ods output =work.captured; … ods output close;

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