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C I M M Y T MR International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Weed control in smallholder Conservation Agriculture Pat Wall and Christian Thierfelder.

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Presentation on theme: "C I M M Y T MR International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Weed control in smallholder Conservation Agriculture Pat Wall and Christian Thierfelder."— Presentation transcript:

1 C I M M Y T MR International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Weed control in smallholder Conservation Agriculture Pat Wall and Christian Thierfelder

2 Why Soil Tillage?  Weed Control  Prepare a seed-bed  Mineralise nitrogen Eliminate compacted zones  Incorporate fertilizers and ammendments  Control diseases and pests  Control water run-off  Accumulate water

3 Weed control by tillage is easy and can be complete Weed control without tillage is more complicated and requires much more knowledge.

4 Conservation Agriculture requires an integrated approach to weed control  Use of chemical herbicides and/or manual weed control  Use of crop rotation  Use of green manure cover crops  Use of crop residues  Restriction of seed set by weeds

5 Some characteristics of weed control techniques  Manual weeding  moves a lot of soil and residues – basically shallow tillage  time consuming, very labour intensive  not knowledge intensive  not very risky  Chemical weed control  effective when done properly  time saving  knowledge intensive  risky depending on herbicides used and management skills  requires purchased inputs - capital  Manual weeding  moves a lot of soil and residues – basically shallow tillage  time consuming, very labour intensive  not knowledge intensive  not very risky  Chemical weed control  effective when done properly  time saving  knowledge intensive  risky depending on herbicides used and management skills  requires purchased inputs - capital

6 Hand weeding is labour intensive

7 Excellent weed control by Crotalaria juncea

8 Effect of ground cover on weed biomass (85 days after rolling) Source: Almeida y Rodriguez, 1985 0 4 8 12 16 23456 Residues t/ha Green Weight of Weeds (t/ha) Y = 19.1 - 2.6X r = 0.95

9 Decline in weed populations with conservation agriculture Skora Neto et al, 1996

10 Reasons for decline in weed populations:  Seed not incorporated into the soil profile  “Seed bank” depleted by efficient control  Restriction of weed seed-set  Weed seed on the surface is destroyed by insects and fungi.  Surface seed germination restricted by lack of moisture and light.

11 It is important to restrict seed set of the weeds. Therefore a late weeding before harvest is very important. Old saying: “One year’s seeding, seven years weeding”.

12 Chemical herbicides  Contact vs. Systemic  Specific (selective) vs. Complete (dessicant)  Pre-sowing vs. Pre-emergence vs. Post-emergence  Residual effects vs. No residual effects  Very toxic to Relatively benign  Different formulations  Different requirements for application: timing/conditions/water volume/surfactants etc.

13 Glyphosate is the main herbicide used in CA  Originally from the Monsanto Company and called RoundUp  Monsanto’s patent has now expired  Many companies now produce glyphosate-based herbicides  This has resulted in a very marked reduction in price

14 Some Characteristics of Glyphosate  Is a desiccant – total weed control (if managed correctly).  Rapidly fixed by clay particles  Must use with clean water  No residual effects in the soil – immediately immobilized  Very low toxicity – Green label  Weeds must be actively growing  Needs + 6 hours without rain after application  Works better with more concentrated solutions (less water)  Requires 7-21 days for symptoms of control to be apparent – longer for weed control

15 Options for the application of Glyphosate  Pre-sowing – complete cover  Pre-emergence – complete cover  Post-emergence – directed application

16 Weed Control Options  Manual weeding as a sole measure  Initial glyphosate application followed by hand weeding  Initial glyphosate application followed by weed wipes  Glyphosate plus other herbicide(s)  Manual weeding as a sole measure  Initial glyphosate application followed by hand weeding  Initial glyphosate application followed by weed wipes  Glyphosate plus other herbicide(s) Activities depending on intensity of labour and chemical input

17 C I M M Y T MR International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Weeds sprayed with glyphosate prior to cowpea seeding. Monze, Zambia Uniform application is important

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