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APP-6,7 Apprentice Marlinspike / Boat Handling Instructors: George Crowl.

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Presentation on theme: "APP-6,7 Apprentice Marlinspike / Boat Handling Instructors: George Crowl."— Presentation transcript:

1 APP-6,7 Apprentice Marlinspike / Boat Handling Instructors: George Crowl

2 Course Outline  6. Using both large and small lines, tie and explain the use of the following knots: overhand, square, figure 8, bowline, two half hitches, clove hitch, sheet bend and cleat hitch  7. Demonstrate the ability to use a heaving line.

3 APP-6  6. Using both large and small lines, tie and explain the use of the following knots: overhand, square, figure 8, bowline, two half hitches, clove hitch, sheet bend and cleat hitch.

4 Animated Knots  Is a good site to look up animated knots

5 Overhand Knot  Used as a stopper knot, but it is poor  Form a loop, slip the bitter end into the loop  Pull tight to form a stopper knot  Very hard to get out after pulled tight

6 Overhand Animation

7 Square (Reef) Knot  1. Right over left  2. Bring it around  3. Left over right  4. Tuck it under  Tighten

8 Square Knot Animation scouting& scouting&

9 Figure 8 Knot  Good stopper knot for sheets and halyards  1. Form a good sized bight  2. Cross the bitter end on top of the standing end  3. Tuck the bitter end under and back  4. Tuck the bitter end into the loop, tighten

10 Figure 8 Animation

11 Bowline Knot  Form a small loop, must be on top of rope!  Bring bitter end up through small loop  Around standing part  Back down through loop  Tighten

12 Bowline Animation

13 Two Half Hitches  Adjustable knot  1. Wrap over bar  2. Wrap around standing part, but longer tail  3. Continue same direction, second wrap, inside  4. Tighten

14 Two Half Hitches Animation

15 Clove Hitch (1)  Pass the line over the bar, bring it around, and cross the standing part  Pass the line over the bar again, bring it up and under the crossing line  Pull tight with two parallel lines crossing the bar, and a single line slanting across the two

16 Clove Hitch 2  “On the End” is similar to 1  #2 – form a bight with the bitter end on top  Form a second bight, again with the bitter end on top  Slide the right bight over the left bight so they are one on top  Slide onto the pole

17 Clove Hitch Animation

18 Sheet Bend  Joins dissimilar size ropes. Will come loose if not under constant strain.  Form a bight in the larger line  Bring the smaller line through the bight  Take it around both parts of the bight  Come on top of the larger line, then under the smaller line, leaving a long tail

19 Sheet Bend Animation

20 Cleat Hitch  Attach line to cleat  Full turn around cleat to start  Cross over and around next horn  Cross over and twist around next horn to put line under itself  Remember – parallel ropes under cross rope  Just two loops. Do not add many loops!

21 Cleat Hitch Animation

22 APP-7 Demonstrate the ability to use a heaving line.

23 Heaving a Line  Secure one end – attach to wrist or step on it  Coil it into left hand. Half turns for good loops.  Split into two coils, left and right hands  Throw underhanded for accuracy  May use a monkey's fist or heaving line knot

24 Heaving Line Video

25 Questions? 

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