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Alyssa Hayley Melson I was born in Cristiana hospital.

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2 Alyssa Hayley Melson I was born in Cristiana hospital.

3 Ho do you live with I live with my mom and sister and on the weekends my dad.

4 What makes your family different from other families We might eat different foods. We might wear different clothes. We might talk different then others.

5 Favorite Foods P u m p k i n p i e G r i l l e d c h e e s e B l u e b e r r i e s Pumpkin pie Grilled cheese

6 Where I live

7 What language do we speak at home Me and my family speak English.

8 What makes your family special What makes are family special is that we might celebrate things different then other people do.

9 When is your birthday My birthday is on December, 27

10 How often do you go on family vacations I have never been on a vacation.

11 What are 3 favorite things to do when you have extra time 1.I like to right a song 2.I like to hang out with my friends 3.I like to play the drums

12 What is you favorite subject My favorite subject is social studies

13 What is your favorite holiday My favorite holiday is Halloween

14 What type of family do you have I have a nuclear family

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