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E-Portfolios: a Win-Win- Win Technology Strategy for Students, Faculty and Institutions Simmons College May 20, 2003 Linda Ehley, Associate Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Portfolios: a Win-Win- Win Technology Strategy for Students, Faculty and Institutions Simmons College May 20, 2003 Linda Ehley, Associate Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Portfolios: a Win-Win- Win Technology Strategy for Students, Faculty and Institutions Simmons College May 20, 2003 Linda Ehley, Associate Professor


3 E- Portfolio Questions  What are E-Portfolios?  What are the basic types of E-Portfolios?  What are the trends with regard to E-Portfolios?  What is Alverno’s Diagnostic Digital Portfolio?  What are some benefits and issues we have found in using the DDP?

4 What are E-Portfolios?  Creative means of organizing, summarizing, and sharing artifacts, information, and ideas about teaching and/or learning  A collection of student work that is stored on a computer, on a CD-ROM or using some other digital technology

5 Characteristics of Portfolios  Portfolios can feature multiple examples of work  Portfolios can be context rich  Portfolios can offer opportunities for selection and self assessment  Portfolios can offer a look at development over time Assessing the Portfolio: Principles for Practice, Theory and Research (1998 - Liz Hamp-Lyons

6 What are the types of E-Portfolios? Institution Program Assessment Course Assessment Faculty Assessment Faculty Teaching Assessment Course Assessment Personal Growth/Reflection Student Student Learning Evaluation/grading Showcase

7 What are the Trends?  To HAVE an E-Portfolio!  Technology Portfolios have been around in other than digital format for many years - Electronic/digital provides easy access  Public Relations Better understanding of student learning in higher education  Accreditation Documentation Teacher Education programs

8 Alverno’s Diagnostic Digital Portfolio (DDP)  A cumulative yet selective record of an individual student’s academic work that is electronically assessable.  Main purpose - to assist students in analyzing their patterns of learning  A mirror to reflect her learning thus far and a map to chart where she is going

9 Alverno College  One of about 80 US women’s colleges  Ability-based curriculum Ability-based curriculum  Two time frames: Weekday, Weekend  About 2000 students with a high level of ethnic diversity  Majors with largest enrollment: Business and Management; Education; Nursing, Professional Communication/ CMT; Social Sciences/Psychology/CLD

10 Eight Abilities  Communication  Analysis  Problem Solving  Valuing in Decision- Making  Social Interaction  Global Perspectives  Effective Citizenship  Aesthetic Responsiveness

11 It’s not about the technology … …it’s about learning

12 Why We Created the DDP  Mountains of information on student performance and learning 14 different locations Not easily accessible to students and faculty  Wanted a vehicle to enhance student reflection on their learning across time

13 Student Reactions  Very positive and excited  Interested in developing a “history” of her learning  Eager to participate and add additional materials  Made her learning -- what she does at Alverno -- more visible  Provides “one location” to access criteria, advanced outcomes, learning style templates and advising templates

14 Faculty Reactions  Very positive for piloting faculty  Easy access to Communication criteria, writing and speaking templates, Advanced Outcomes and self assessment framework  Time and complexity issues  Emphasized the need for technology support

15 Issues  Provide specific places where students reflect on their learning Integrating Moments  Address the varying computer literacy levels of students  Integrate DDP use into classroom practice  Extend understanding of uses of the DDP

16 Benefits  Increase computer literacy among faculty and students Actual “purpose” for using technology  Provide specific places in curriculum for reflecting on prior work and setting goals  Assist students/faculty in “seeing” learning and self assessment development  Improve quality of self assessment  Help students with learning issues

17 Central Features of the DDP  Key Performance - assessment, assignment, internship, project, etc. Description, criteria, self assessment, feedback Actual work is optional  Organized by: Abilities Level 1 - 4 Major and Support Advanced Outcomes  Personal & Professional Development Student driven Additional resources to assist student learning

18 Questions - Comments?

19 References  The How and the Why of Electronic Portfolios in Higher Education - Marsha Leeman-Conley  Electronic Portfolios: Students, Teachers, and Life Long Learners Annette Lamb  Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning - AAHE - 2001 Barbara L. Cambridge, volume editor  Alverno’s Diagnostic Digital Portfolio

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