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By: Jeremiah The Four Spheres. Interaction of the Spheres Water (hydrosphere) falls from the clouds and into the ground (lithosphere) and it form streams.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jeremiah The Four Spheres. Interaction of the Spheres Water (hydrosphere) falls from the clouds and into the ground (lithosphere) and it form streams."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jeremiah The Four Spheres

2 Interaction of the Spheres Water (hydrosphere) falls from the clouds and into the ground (lithosphere) and it form streams. The land (lithosphere) creates erosion and it uproots plants (biosphere). The hydrosphere evaporates and it forms clouds in the air (atmosphere). The atmosphere can make rain with the hydrosphere and it can make streams with the lithosphere and make plants grow in the biosphere. The trees (biosphere) make oxygen (atmosphere) through the leaves

3 Lithosphere The lithosphere means “rocky areas” and inside of the earth. It is about 100 km thick The movement of this sphere causes something called a continental drift Plate tectonics are also part of this sphere we can tell if an earthquake will happen by plate tectonics Volcanism brings material from deep interior of a planet and spills it forth on this surface The lithosphere is on the very top of the Earth.

4 Hydrosphere The hydrosphere is the water in the Earth. The water cycle is part of this sphere because it is part of the water in the Earth The hydrosphere consists of moving the water up to the atmosphere and down into the lithosphere. The word “hydro” means water The hydrosphere’s job is the water in the Earth The water covers 70% of the Earth

5 Atmosphere The atmosphere has four layers, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and Thermosphere The blanket of air around the earth is called Atmosphere The relation of pressure and height is if the location is high, there is less pressure, but if it is low there is a lot of pressure The function of this sphere is that it protects the Earth from too much Sunlight The atmosphere is a very effective shield for the earth The air we breathe is made up of 78.09 percent nitrogen

6 Biosphere Biosphere is all the plants and life in the Earth The biosphere consists of all the living things Scientists used the word biosphere to describe our living world Chemical erosion changes on molecule at a time Many things affect the biosphere in the earth, even today The biosphere is one place where all the other spheres work together

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