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1 International Labour Standards on OSH, in particular C. 155 Annick Virot SafeWork/CIS ILO, Geneva.

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1 1 International Labour Standards on OSH, in particular C. 155 Annick Virot SafeWork/CIS ILO, Geneva

2 2 Today’s Topics u International Labour Standards u Convention 155 u National Programme on OSH

3 3 International Labour Standards u Adopted by the International Labour Conference after the two year discussions uTripartite Discussions u187 Conventions u197 Recommendations uMost of ILS are related to OSH

4 4 Recent OSH Conventions u C155: Occupational Safety and Health u C161: Occupational Health Services u C162: Asbestos u C167: Construction Safety u C170: Chemicals u C174: Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents u C176: Safety and Health in Mines u C184: Safety and Health in Agriculture u P155: Recording and Notification u C187: Promotional Framework for OSH

5 5 Role of Conventions and Recommendations uLegally binding obligations to the countries ratified Conventions uMonitoring by the ILO for the implementation uProvide national framework and guidance to even not ratified (Conventions) uPromote National Tripartite Dialogue

6 6 Supervisory Mechanism for International Labour Standards u Reporting to the ILO after Ratification u Representation/Complaints u Committee of Experts on Application of International Labour Standards u ILO Governing Body

7 7 Key Features of C155 Occupational Safety and Health Convention u Applies to all branches of economy u Applies to all workers (employed persons) u National Policy on OSH u Action at the National Level u Action at the Enterprise Level

8 8 National OSH Policy (Articles 4-7) u Formulate, implement and review uTripartite Consultation uAiming at prevent accidents and injuries to health arising out of, linked with or occurring in the course of work uRole of authorities, Employers, Workers uBased on situation analysis

9 9 Action at National Level (Articles 8-15) u Implementation of Policy through laws, regulations, other methods u Enforcement with Inspection System u Adequate penalties for violations u Guidance to employers and workers for compliance

10 10 Key actions for Control uRequirements on design, construction, lay out of undertakings uChemicals: prohibition, authorization, control uNotification of accidents and diseases uPublication of information on the measures taken to implement the policy

11 11 Other National measures uProtection of workers removing themselves from imminent danger uIntegration of OSH in education uEnsure Coordination among authorities uCreating a coordination arrangement/body

12 12 Action at Undertaking Level u Employers’ responsibility for Safety (16) u Coordination among employers at one place u Worker/employer cooperation u Provision of information to workers u Training of workers u OSH measures at no costs to workers

13 13 The 2002 Protocol u New Protocol on Recording and Notification of Occupational Accidents and Diseases u Recommendation on List of Occupational Diseases with a new List as an Annex

14 14 National Programme on OSH u Medium Term Strategic Programme u To Place OSH High National Agenda u Status Review to be summarized as National OSH Profile u Focused and Step by Step Approach u Continuous Improvement of National OSH System u Promote Tripartite Dialogue on OSH

15 15 Roles of Trade Unions u Request Governments to Ratify Conventions u Use ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Codes of Practice in the National Legislation Review u Monitor national implementation of ratified Conventions u National Tripartite Dialogue

16 16 Thank you again!

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