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Throughout our course of study, how have women been treated in European society?

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Presentation on theme: "Throughout our course of study, how have women been treated in European society?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Throughout our course of study, how have women been treated in European society?

2 Witch Hunts - 70k-100k killed from 1400-1700 Causes Belief in magic - “cunning folk” - people who helped villagers cope Catholic Church claimed powers came from either God or Devil

3 Women are weaker vessels - 80% of victims 40-60, unmarried misogyny plays a role midwives were women, child deaths could result in accusation Religious wars create environment of scapegoating

4 Hunting Season!


6 End of Witch Hunts Scientific revolution Advances in medicine and insurance trials become chaotic Reformation stresses God as only spiritual force




10 Witchfinders

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