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The Protestant Reformation Plays Out in America Unit 2: Part 1.

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1 The Protestant Reformation Plays Out in America Unit 2: Part 1

2 Background Information In 1520 C.E., the pope excommunicated a German monk named Martin Luther. Why? – In 1517 C.E., Luther mailed a list of 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg challenging the pope’s authority. Didn’t like pardons for money, lavish spending, refusal to translate Bible from Latin.

3 Background Information Luther triggered a division in western Christianity and he and his fellow insurgents became known as protestants. Their movement became known as the Reformation. This was the first time a controversy in Europe made its way onto American shores.

4 Background Information For the remainder of the 16 th century (1500s), European conflicts would be played out partially overseas – a continuous pattern later on. France v. Spain for Florida England v. Ireland (Protestant v. Catholic)

5 Reformation and Counter Reformation 1517 C.E., Luther’s reforms spread throughout Europe – sparked armed conflict. Switzerland: Abolished Catholic practices; led by John Calvin from 1541 to 1560s C.E. Calvinism: Strict, simple, faith alone leads to salvation.

6 Reformation and Counter Reformation Calvinists soon shaped Protestant doctrine in North America Huguenots in France Puritans in England Presbyterians in Scotland Dutch Reformed in the Netherlands

7 Reformation and Counter Reformation Church reformation coincided with the emergence of modern nation-states. Kings and Queens in Europe – Expanded control – Strengthened armies – Controlled printing – Why is the control of print important?

8 Reformation and Counter Reformation England emerged as a nation-state under Henry VII in 1485 C.E. 1533 C.E., pope refused King Henry VIII an annulment So, Henry VIII created the Church of England to take religious authority from the pope (Anglican Church)

9 Reformation and Counter Reformation Anglican Church followed much of Catholic doctrine. Elizabeth I steered the Anglican Church somewhere between Catholicism and Protestantism. Why is that so significant for England?

10 The Reformation and Counter Reformation Attempts to heal religious divisions gave way to fierce confrontation. Kings, queens, parishes, all challenged the pope. Catholic supporters mobilized to protect themselves – Known as the Counter Reformation

11 The Reformation and Counter Reformation Catholic militants called the Sons of Jesus, or Jesuits, gave their lives to defend Catholicism and spread it. Led by Ignatius Loyola. This gave way to the Inquisition – Strict courts to give harsh punishment to heretics. – Created an index of prohibited books

12 The Reformation and Counter Reformation King Philip II of Spain; 1556-1598 C.E. Led an Inquisition against Protestants; almost overpowered Protestant England. 1588 C.E., Spain sends the Spanish Armada to conquer England but failed. – Shift of power to England

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