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Leadership, Personal Growth and Career Success August 2010 Mr. Collins Freshman Class 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership, Personal Growth and Career Success August 2010 Mr. Collins Freshman Class 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership, Personal Growth and Career Success August 2010 Mr. Collins Freshman Class 1

2 Leadership Journal 6/5/20162 How have you been a leader in your home, community or elementary school? How do you plan to be a leader in your high school?

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5 Leadership 0 Premier Leadership: Everyone can be a leader in one role or another. 0 Your actions can provide positive influence to others in your family, school and community. 0 Your involvement in FFA will present many opportunities for you to lead! 0 “Leadership is influence – the ability to obtain followers” – John C. Maxwell

6 10 Characteristics of Leadership 0 1. Authenticity leadership begins and ends with authenticity. 0 2. Desire to Serve Others - Authentic leaders genuinely desire to serve others through their leadership. 0 3. Empowering People -They are more interested in empowering the people they lead to make a difference than they are in power, money, or prestige for themselves. 0 4. Guided by Heart, passion and compassion - They are as guided by qualities of the heart, by passion, and compassion, as they are by qualities of the mind. 0 5. Recognize their shortcomings - Leaders use their natural abilities, but they also recognize their shortcomings and work hard to overcome them.

7 Characteristics… 0 6. Lead with Purpose - They lead with purpose, meaning and values. 0 7. Build Enduring Relationships - They build enduring relationships with people. 0 8. Clear Where They Stand - Others follow them because they know where they stand. 0 9. Refuse to Compromise - When principles are tested, they refuse to compromise. 0 10. Develop Themselves - leaders are dedicated to developing themselves because they know that becoming a leader takes a lifetime of personal growth.

8 Personal Growth 0 If you want to be your best, you must take a close look at yourself and identify the things that you’d like to continue to build on and grow. 0 Personal growth is a life-long endeavor of continuously striving to be your personal best. 0 Physical Growth 0 Social Growth 0 Professional Growth 0 Mental Growth 0 Emotional Growth 0 Spiritual Growth

9 Career Success 0 What is your dream job? 0 What do you love to do? 0 What are you passionate about?

10 Career Success 1. Belief In order for you to achieve anything in your career, in fact your life - you have to first believe. You need to believe in yourself that you can achieve it. 2. Action Nothing moves until you do something. Believing alone is not going to achieve anything for you. It must be followed up with concrete action. 3. Discipline Action in itself is not enough to increase the chances of success. One of the main reasons why people fail is that there is no discipline in their action

11 Homework! 0 You are to write a personal mission statement that will include the following: 0 Introduction (1 paragraph) 0 Goals for leadership (1 paragraph) 0 Goals for personal growth(1 paragraph) 0 Goals for career success (1 paragraph) Paragraph = 3 to 4 sentences DUE FRIDAY AUGUST 13, 2010

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