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Using the WIKI to Support Training and Technical Assistance October 27, 2011 Susan Barrett Implementer Partner, Center on PBIS Sheppard Pratt Health System.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the WIKI to Support Training and Technical Assistance October 27, 2011 Susan Barrett Implementer Partner, Center on PBIS Sheppard Pratt Health System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the WIKI to Support Training and Technical Assistance October 27, 2011 Susan Barrett Implementer Partner, Center on PBIS Sheppard Pratt Health System Kimberly Yanek ESD Facilitator VDOE Training and Technical Assistance Center Old Dominion University

2 Maximizing Your Session Participation Work with your team Consider 4 questions: - What Implementation Phase? - What do I hope to learn? - What did I learn? - What will I do with what I learned? Consider 4 questions: - What Implementation Phase? - What do I hope to learn? - What did I learn? - What will I do with what I learned?

3 Where are you in implementation process? Adapted from Fixsen & Blase, 2005

4 Stages of ImplementationFocusStageDescription Exploration/ Adoption Decision regarding commitment to adopting the program/practices and supporting successful implementation. InstallationSet up infrastructure so that successful implementation can take place and be supported. Establish team and data systems, conduct audit, develop plan. Initial Implementation Try out the practices, work out details, learn and improve before expanding to other contexts. ElaborationExpand the program/practices to other locations, individuals, times- adjust from learning in initial implementation. Continuous Improvement/Re generation Make it easier, more efficient. Embed within current practices. Getting it right Making it better Should we do it

5 Exploration Adoption Installation Initial Implementation Elaboration Continuous Improvement District Exploration Adoption Installation Initial Implementation Elaboration Continuous Improvement Model Schools Universal Supports Exploration Adoption Installation Initial Implementation Elaboration Continuous Improvement Model Schools Targeted/Intensive Supports Exploration Adoption Installation Initial Implementation Elaboration Continuous Improvement Scale-Up Schools Targeted/Intensive Supports Continuous Improvement Exploration Adoption Installation Initial Implementation Elaboration Scale-Up Schools Universal Supports Embedded Stages within District Implementation of RtI Steve Goodman

6 Leadership Team Action Planning Worksheets: Steps Self-Assessment: Accomplishments & Priorities Leadership Team Action Planning Worksheet Session Assignments & Notes: High Priorities Team Member Note-Taking Worksheet Action Planning: Enhancements & Improvements Leadership Team Action Planning Worksheet

7 Goals for Today Introduction to the Training Blueprint and Implementation Guidebook Using the WIKI to Support Training and TA 7

8 Take Away Awareness of existing resources – Implementers Blueprint, Evaluation Blueprint, – PD Blueprint and the “Companion Workbook” Use of tools to organize the content/ products Build Communities of Practice across the Cascade National Community of Practice through APBS training network 8

9 System Change “For every increment of performance I demand from you, I have an equal responsibility to provide you with the capacity to meet that expectation” (R. Elmore, 2002)

10 Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training Outcomes Training Components Knowledge of Content Skill Implementation Classroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 0% 30% 20% 0% 60% 60% 5% 95% 95% 95% Joyce & Showers, 2002

11 PBIS Cascade Building Capacity and Sustainability Problem Solving Teams, Department/ Grade Level Teams, Staff, Student, Family/Community State Leadership Team State Implementation Team District Coach Coordinators Coaches Team Leaders Systems Planning Teams Local Implementation Team

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17 Content Blueprint State/District Workbook

18 Blueprint for School-wide Positive Behavior Support Training and Professional Development

19 “Recipe” Occurs Across the Cascade Data Review ID need/change (structure or practice?) Install Systems to support Practice/Innovation Embed within PD and anchor with a measurable outcome in mind Simplest delivery method to share content Provide Coach Check for change

20 How do Trainers/Faciliators Benefit from Using a WIKI? Levels of skill development Scope and Sequence- Organized around Phases of Implementation Anchored the training to BOQ, CICO Checklist and BAT – Delivered in same format – Use of flash drive/wiki to build action plan/products during training

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22 Designing Systems-we should have our WIP of the POI on our wiki by this if you want to share Stages of Implementation Evaluation Cycle Training and Coaching Reports and Marketing Policy

23 Exploration Stage Need for change identified, possible solutions are explored, learning about what it takes to implement the innovation effectively, stakeholders are identified and developed, and decision is made to move forward Installation Resources needed to implement innovation with fidelity and desired outcomes are in place Initial Implementation Innovation is in place in schools, implementation largely guided by external TA providers Full Implementation- Innovation is implemented and sustained by local stakeholders and is well- integrated into policy/written documentation Innovation and Sustainability Innovation is adapted to fit local context, innovation becomes more efficient and is integrated with other initiatives

24 Exploration Phase Need for change identified, possible solutions are explored, learning about what it takes to implement the innovation effectively, stakeholders are identified and developed, and decision is made to move forward

25 25 Guiding Questions Facilitated Exploration Activities Outcomes Professional Development/ Technical Assistance

26 Resource Mapping Taking Inventory Linking to Outcome/Strategic Plan How do we support adults? How do we make sure we invest in what works with our students/youth? What data will help keep us on track?

27 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Triangle Activity: Applying the Three-Tiered Logic to Your School Applying the Three-Tiered Logic to Your School, District or State 27 Practices, Initiatives, Programs for a FEW Practices, Initiatives, Programs for SOME Practices, Initiatives, Programs for ALL

28 Resource Mapping What are the practices in place at each tier of the triangle? Are they evidence-based practices? How are you measuring effectiveness of practices (data)? Who are the service delivery teams/personnel (e.g., graduation coach, PALS teacher, Math Coach) 28

29 District Example Anne Arundel County Resource Map Took Inventory – How many Initiatives/Practices/Programs were in place to support student success? – Asked for Data – Linked to Budget – Got Buy in from School Admin If you aren’t getting the outcomes, why should we still invest? 29

30 Quick Review Download Blueprints Guidebook also available Uses Stages of Implementation Companion Workbook- WIKI form Helpful for getting started and sustaining over the next decade 30

31 WIKI Workspace


33 Performance Feedback in the Classroom: Building Systems to Support Best Practices in the Classroom How will staff get skills? How will staff get feedback ? Develop Training Calendar of PD-orientation, annual staff development days, staff meetings Develop Access for Teacher Support- Request for Assistance Communication to Staff Support “Team” Can District/Admin deliver Time and Resources?

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