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Key Text: Revelation 1:10— “I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” PRAYER.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Text: Revelation 1:10— “I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” PRAYER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Key Text: Revelation 1:10— “I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” PRAYER

3 Last week we discovered that we all need Christ’s grace because we all have broken God’s law and are sinners.

4 This week we shall talk about one of God’s commandments, the Sabbath Day or “the Lord’s Day.” For our first text let us read Revelation 1:10. POINT TO EMPHASIZE: The Lord does have a day.

5 POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: – The Son of man—Christ—is Lord of the Sabbath day. – So the Sabbath is the Lord’s Day.

6 POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: The seventh day is the Sabbath. The calendar lists Sunday as the first day of the week, there are seven days in the week, Saturday is the last day therefore Saturday must be the seventh day. The seventh day of Creation differed from the preceding six in that: It memorialized the six creative days The Lord rested on it.

7 POINTS TO EMPHASIZE (cont’d): He blessed, hallowed and sanctified it. The Book of Genesis 2:1-3 tells us of this creation and says that Christ ended His work and rested. It also says He sanctified the Sabbath, which means that He has set it apart for holy use. Ephesians 3:9 says that it was Christ who, by the power of God, created all things.

8 POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: His custom was to worship in the synagogue (or church) on the Sabbath. He read Scripture—a good thing to do on the Sabbath. Acts 17:2, 18:4 says Paul’s custom was to reason with the Jews and Greeks out of the Scripture every Sabbath.

9 POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: The day preceding the Sabbath is the preparation day—Friday, the day Christ died. The women rested on the Sabbath according to the Commandment. Then the women came to the sepulchre early on the first day of the week. Here is given a chronological sequence: the preparation day, followed by the Sabbath, which in turn is followed by the first day of the week.

10 POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: The prophecy of Isaiah is here talking about the recreation of heaven and earth. We will worship from one Sabbath to another. The Sabbath will continue to be observed in the earth made new.

11 POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: – The Sabbath is a sign that God sanctifies us or prepares us for His use by making us holy. – Secondly, it is a sign that we know and belong to God.

12 POINT TO EMPHASIZE: – If we say He, Christ, abides in us, then we should walk (follow) as He, Christ, walked.

13 The real issue, then, is whether or not we decide to follow Christ. This really, is the heart of the matter. Every genuine Christian will always want to follow Jesus, Do you?

14 Thank God for His wonderful day of rest, which refresh us from our all our labour. Pray that we shall decide right now to follow Christ’s example and keep His holy day. Remember the needs of the family.

15 It is quite evident from our study that most people are not keeping the seventh day, Saturday, as the Lord’s holy day of rest and worship. Our next subject will be on the matter of “Good Living.”

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