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19th September 2003Tim Adye1 RAL Tier A Status Tim Adye Rutherford Appleton Laboratory BaBar UK Collaboration Meeting Royal Holloway 19 th September 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "19th September 2003Tim Adye1 RAL Tier A Status Tim Adye Rutherford Appleton Laboratory BaBar UK Collaboration Meeting Royal Holloway 19 th September 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 19th September 2003Tim Adye1 RAL Tier A Status Tim Adye Rutherford Appleton Laboratory BaBar UK Collaboration Meeting Royal Holloway 19 th September 2003

2 Tim Adye2 BaBar Batch CPU Use at RAL

3 19th September 2003Tim Adye3 Farm Usage

4 19th September 2003Tim Adye4 BaBar Batch Users at RAL (running at least one non-trivial job each week)

5 19th September 2003Tim Adye5 Recent Changes New BaBar CSF system manager, Martin Bly replaces Phil Radden New RAL BaBar (+Grid) RA, Chris Brew New CSF hardware arrived in March 80 dual Pentium 4 2.66 GHz (2GB RAM) Currently allocated to other users, leaving the entire “old” farm just to us (286 P1400, 22 P1000) 11 disk servers, each with 2 x 1.8 TB file-systems 38 TB total now allocated to BaBar – all full!

6 19th September 2003Tim Adye6 CPU Usage for all CSF groups

7 19th September 2003Tim Adye7 Disk allocation for all CSF groups

8 19th September 2003Tim Adye8 Recent Changes (cont) Batch worker nodes upgraded to RedHat 7.3 Will simplify merging BaBar tier1a with UK tier1 farms should allow us to “borrow” spare capacity Front-ends remain RedHat 7.2 analysis-13b ( 10.4.4 ) and analysis-14 ( a ) ( 12.5.2 ) compiled in RH72, but jobs validated to run on RH73 as well Last RedHat 6 box switched off on Tuesday “Safer” Kanga conditions updating procedure (Chris) Linux Objectivity server installed and running SP (Wahid) Objy Conditions for series-12 (TimB)

9 19th September 2003Tim Adye9 Other Planned Changes Finally bring old Sun disk server back into service Reconfigured and extensively tested since catastrophic file-system problems in February Will provide 4.2 TB of sorely needed space Try to keep older data there to minimise risk/load CVS hack to allow checkouts ( addpkg ) without AFS token May require a minor change at other sites that use RAL CVS – Manny will post details soon Move user staging disk ( /stage/babar-user1 aka $BFROOT/work ) to larger and faster disk (Manny) 0.8 TB  1.4 TB

10 19th September 2003Tim Adye10 Kanga Data at RAL All available disk is now full 4 TB more on the Sun in next day or two, but that will be quickly filled Need space for run 3 and series-12 reprocessing SP signal and generic conversion going well Real data conversion has to be restarted AllEvents and 15 streams for data and generic MC Need space for New Kanga (CM2) staging area Most will be kept in the Datastore (tape) and staged in automatically Need to remove unused data “Bad” series-12 real data Series-10 old tag ( <=K10.4.1b ) Anything else?

11 19th September 2003Tim Adye11 Support For help, post to “RAL Tier A” HyperNews forum or contact Emmanuel Olaiya (at SLAC) or Chris Brew or me (at RAL)

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