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Brasstown CreekToccoa River Ichthyomyzon sp.lampreyX Ichthyomyzon greeleyimountain brook lamprey X Luxilus coccogenuswarpaint shinerXX Notropis leuciodusTennessee.

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Presentation on theme: "Brasstown CreekToccoa River Ichthyomyzon sp.lampreyX Ichthyomyzon greeleyimountain brook lamprey X Luxilus coccogenuswarpaint shinerXX Notropis leuciodusTennessee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brasstown CreekToccoa River Ichthyomyzon sp.lampreyX Ichthyomyzon greeleyimountain brook lamprey X Luxilus coccogenuswarpaint shinerXX Notropis leuciodusTennessee shinerXX Notropis spectrunculusmirror shinerXX Erimystax insignisblotched chubX Nocomis micropogonriver chubXX Rhinichthys cataractaelongnose daceX Campostoma anomalumcentral stonerollerXX Hypentelium nigricansnorthern hogsuckerXX Moxostoma duquesneiblack redhorseX M. erythrurumgolden redhorseX Moxostoma sp. (undescribed)sicklefin redhorseX Cottus bairdimottled sculpinXX Etheostoma blenniodesgreenside darterX E. rufilineatumredline darterX E. zonalebanded darterXX E. vulneratumwounded darterX E. chlorobranchiumgreenfin darterX Percina evidesgilt darterXX P. aurantiacatangerine darterX Oncorhynchus mykissrubber fishX

2 Major Drainages Tennessee Drainage -Toccoa River -Brasstown Cr. Oconee Drainage -Ben Burton ? Mobile Bay Basin Mississippi River

3 Biogeography -distributional histories of lineages and possible causal factors Vicariant event- ancestor had continuous distribution; subsequent isolation resulting in speciation Dispersal event- ancestor occupied one drainage; entered another through temporary connection where it subsequently speciates

4 Collection Questions Comparing Oconee drainage to Tennessee drainage collections, are the fish assemblages similar? What fish orders and families are notably present/absent? Why?

5 Little Tennessee Fishes Ichthyomyzon sp.lamprey Ichthyomyzon greeleyimountain brook lamprey Luxilus coccogenuswarpaint shiner Notropis leuciodusTennessee shiner Notropis spectrunculusmirror shiner Erimystax insignisblotched chub Nocomis micropogonriver chub Rhinichthys cataractaelongnose dace Campostoma anomalumcentral stoneroller Hypentelium nigricansnorthern hogsucker Moxostoma duquesneiblack redhorse M. Erythrurumgolden redhorse Moxostoma sp. (undescribed)sicklefin redhorse Cottus bairdimottled sculpin Etheostoma blenniodesgreenside darter E. rufilineatumredline darter E. zonalebanded darter E. vulneratumwounded darter E. chlorobranchiumgreenfin darter Percina evidesgilt darter P. aurantiacatangerine darter Oncorhynchus mykissrubber fish Oconee Fishes Cyprinella xaenuraAltamaha shiner C. callisemaOcmulgee shiner Hybopsis rubrifronsrosyface chub Nocomis leptocephalusbluehead chub Notropis hudsoniusspotfin chub Notemigonus crysoleucasgolden shiner Hypentelium nigricansnorthern hogsucker Scartomyzon rupiscartesstriped jumprock Ameiurus brunneussnail bullhead Noturus insignismargined madtom Micropterus sp.Hybrid Bass Lepomis auritusredbreast sunfish L. macrochirusbluegill Etheostoma inscriptumturquoise darter Percina nigrofasciatablackbanded darter

6 Sampling methods What methods have we used this semester?

7 Sharber and Carothers, 1988

8 Generator A/C Transformer Braided Stainless Steel Cable PVC Spacers Grid Electroshocker Sampling

9 Based on our collections, what fish species might we expect to collect in the upper Coosa drainage? Draft a species list without using range maps in Fishes of Alabama. - habitat requirements

10 IBI, or Index of Biotic Integrity, is a method of calculating a numerical index of biological health for a particular stream site. IBI integrates scores for several indicators of ecosystem health, including: Diversity: numbers and kinds of fish present Community Structure: primarily based on feeding habits Fish Health: disease, parasites, presence of sensitive species Index of Biotic Integrity- Karr 1981

11 1. Total Number of Fish Species 2. Number of Catostomidae Species 3. Number of Darter Species 4. Number of Sunfish Species 5. Number of Intolerant or Sensitive Species 6. Percent of Individuals that Are Lepomis cyanellus (Centrarchidae) 7. Percent of Individuals that Are Omnivores 8. Percent of Individuals that Are Insectivorous Cyprinidae 9. Percent of Individuals that Are Top Carnivores or Piscivores 10. Percent of Individuals that Are Hybrids 11. Abundance or Catch per Effort of Fish 12. Percent of Individuals that are Diseased, Deformed, or Have Eroded Fins, Lesions, or Tumors Metric Abundance condition Reproductive function Trophic Function Metrics Indicator Species Metrics Species Richness and Composition Metrics


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