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Plan to Save the Gulf Coast By Ronald O. McCants, May 31, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Plan to Save the Gulf Coast By Ronald O. McCants, May 31, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plan to Save the Gulf Coast By Ronald O. McCants, May 31, 2010

2 Objective Stop the Oil Gusher after Ten Days of Initiation and clean up the Gulf Coast with an effective and environmental friendly method.

3 Gushing Oil Streaming oil pouring from the seafloor and images of dead, crude-soaked birds serve as visual bookends to the natural calamity unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil gushing from the Deepwater Horizon well head 5,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. The BP platform exploded April 20, 2010, and burned killing 11 workers. The oil has gushed into the depths of the Gulf of Mexico in the largest oil spill in U.S. history ( 4606879907/). 4606879907/

4 Stewardship Awry All creation is under the authority of God and all creation is interdependent. Our covenant with God requires us to be stewards, protectors, and defenders of all creation. BP and others have gone wrong with the environment. The use of natural resources is a universal concern and responsibility of all as reflected in Psalm 24:1: "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof."

5 One Million Barrels Per Day Analysts of the amount of oil on the surface supports the estimates closer to 1 million barrels per day erupting from this hole BP popped in the ocean floor that contains trillions of barrels of oil and natural gas. ( olcano_of_oil_erupting/ ) olcano_of_oil_erupting/

6 Ten Days to Stop the Gusher "We have not been able to stop the flow," BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles told reporters on May 29, 2010. "We have made the decision to move onto the next option." I was born and raised on the Gulf Coast and my plan would actually Stop the Oil Gusher in the Gulf after Ten Days of Initiation.

7 Pressure It will work because the earth’s pressure spewing oil from a puncture in its crust requires pressure of equal or greater pounds per square inch to halt the gusher. The pipe is actually 21 inches in diameter, the pressure possibly 20,000 psi, and the high end estimated total leakage is in the range of 3.4 million gallons/day ( f_all_gushers_could_kill_Earths_oceans/). f_all_gushers_could_kill_Earths_oceans/

8 Objects Needed a.Squared huge rock b.Huge Bolder rock c.Heavy Lift Ship Crane d.Low Grade Hay and Dried Weeds e.Laser Guided Camera with Remote Control

9 Procedure Submerge the bolder rock using a crane with speed and accuracy making impact into the hole. Guided with laser technology. Submerge the square rock making impact upon the bolder. The bolder will sink further into the hole creating a permanent seal of the oil gushing hole. The oil gusher will cease.


11 Clean up the Gulf Use low grade hay and dried weeds to cover the entire area of the Gulf where oil was detected. The environmental friendly hay and weeds with at least ten inches thickness will soak up the oil. Then use many boats and ships to extract the oil soaked hay from the water. Take it on land to a refinery to extract the oil and sell the oil to generate payments for clean-up of the damaged environment.

12 Hay and Dried Weeds Three hundred square miles of oil affected Gulf Coast area will be cleaned with an environmental friendly method using hay and dried weeds. The conservative cost of this method is less than 11 billion dollars. This is less than the hundreds of billions of dollars that current planned methods will damage the environment for decades.

13 We Must Restore Stewardship has to do with how we bring all of the resources at our disposal into efficient use in our participation in the saving activity of God. Environmental stewardship is one part of our work as God's stewards. As stewards of the natural environment we are called to preserve and restore the air, water, and land on which life depends.

14 Conclusion Oil gushing from the Deepwater Horizon well head 5,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico will cease. The oil that has gushed into the depths of the Gulf of Mexico in the largest oil spill in U.S. history will be fixed by nature’s environmental friendly primitive method, bolder rock upon bolder rock. The 1 million barrels per day erupting from this hole BP popped in the ocean floor that contains trillions of barrels of oil and natural gas will no longer affect the Gulf Coast livelihood of people, as well as the economy. So my plan would actually Stop the Oil Gusher in the Gulf after Ten Days of Initiation instead of prolonging this nightmare for another 90 days. It will work because the earth’s pressure spewing oil from a puncture in its crust will be overwhelmed with pressure greater than the 20,000 pounds per square (psi).

15 Budget MaterialsCosts Bolder rocks100,000 Cable, 7,000 Feet$160 per foot $1,120,000 Metal Cages$ 50,000 Low grade hay and dried weeds, 5’x5’ bale at $40 each x 300 sq miles $64,000,000 TransportationTractor trailer rentals$40,000 Ship with Crane$3,000,000 Barges$1,500,000 Support Boats$1,500,000

16 Budget, continue Machine Rentals Fork Lifts and Crane$200,000 Computers$850,000 Communication phones$40,000

17 Budget, personnel Seafaring Professionals$10,000,000 Scientists$3,000,000 Crane operators$10,500,000 General Drivers with CDL$200,000 Accountants, $800,000 Procurement Technicians$300,000 Human Resources Managers$500,000 General Employees $10,000,000,000

18 Budget, continue with total Operation Building and Spaces$3,000,000 General Supplies $2,000,000 Travel$850,000 Food and water$700,000 TOTAL BUDGET$10,094,250,000

19 Submitted by: Ronald O. McCants Website: Email:

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