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Taxonomic Synonymy Definition Framework CHRONOS & GNS Science New Zealand Douglas Fils, Iain Matcham, Cinzia Cervato, James Crampton.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxonomic Synonymy Definition Framework CHRONOS & GNS Science New Zealand Douglas Fils, Iain Matcham, Cinzia Cervato, James Crampton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxonomic Synonymy Definition Framework CHRONOS & GNS Science New Zealand Douglas Fils, Iain Matcham, Cinzia Cervato, James Crampton

2 Why? AKA: Biglobigerinella multispina, Globigerina biforaminata, Globigerinelloides multispinatus Globigerinelloides multispinus FOR TIME CALIBRATION

3 Needs Simple method to address current need to exchange synonymy in a standards/future aware method –Encode taxonomic synonymy Transport these synonymy between sites and applications (Neptune, FRED, ForamDB, CONOP9, XQE, TIS, etc.) via web services and ReST Associate taxonomic synonymy (Senior & Junior synonyms) with opinions and authorities

4 foramdb_neptune_link record_number taxon_id foramdb_neptune_link record_number taxon_id synonym_status=‘j’ chkNeptune chkTaxon chkTaxonStatus tcretaceous_all_species record_number data tcretaceous_all_species record_number data retrieving junior synonym records for a currently displayed senior synonym taxon_link_junior.sql

5 foramdb_neptune_link record_number taxon_id synonym_status=‘j’ foramdb_neptune_link record_number taxon_id chkNeptune chkTaxon chkTaxonStatus tcretaceous_all_species record_number data tcretaceous_all_species record_number data retrieving senior synonym records for a currently displayed junior synonym taxon_link_senior.sql

6 Benefits Global taxonomic synonymy network Bio-diversity studies Digital Taxonomic Dictionaries Paleo-climate issues Method to embed data into web sites to enable semantic web adoption Science Efforts: - MicroPaleo - FormaDB - Andrill - others

7 TSDF is not A way to automatically create synonymy –Dangerous as a means to AUTOMATICALLY generate input for CONOP9 or as a means to get to LOC's –Due to this, these types of documents may imply a need for an educational QA/QC process on creating and transporting these files

8 TSDF Description Based on RDF/SKOS Relation based Extension of the SKOS framework XML (ADBC, DarwinCore, Taxon Concept Schema) vs RDF No controlled vocabulary initially involved does not carry morphology or other “data” that might require a vocabulary (more relations based) pseudo vocabulary derived from taxon name super set and current SKOS terms

9 TSDF extended classes Synonymy Synonymy Entry TaxanomicName A set of supporting properties to define the entries Simple synonymy with Senior Synonym

10 TSDF Further examples Simple synonymy with single Senior and Junior Synonym

11 TSDF Multiple Synonymy Authors Inter- synonymy mapper

12 Application of TSDF Provide Something: Virtual “master” taxonomy dictionaries A digital Taxonomic dictionary can be mashed up on the fly (an extension of the current taxon info mash up concept) semantic web services for discovery

13 Exchanging TSDF Unique Identifier methods used to designate taxa from contributing sources (LSID, URI) Synonymy requests answered by SOAP or ReST interfaces (services based approach) various parameters could be used (not set) Document centric approach (TSDF returned)

14 Embedding TSDF microformats approach (simple semantics) –TSDF is not a microformat, but follows its principles solve a specific problem start as simple as possible design for humans first, machines second reuse building blocks from widely adopted standards modularity / embeddability enable and encourage decentralized development, content, services

15 Planning for Displaying and Browsing of TSDF Looking at the efforts of Simile (MIT) and SWED Faceted Browsing –Fresnel syntax –Horus / Longwell Welkin Enhance community efforts like those of

16 TSDF mash-ups Gateway to allow resources like GNS Science NZ,, CHRONOS, Paleobiology and others to contribute to mash-ups and other dynamic taxonomy systems Change logs to track synonymy evolution (no pun intended) syndication efforts (TSDF -> RSS) Cross cutting formats (TSDF FOAF other)

17 Conclusion Joint effort between CHRONOS and GNS Science New Zealand Address current need to exchange synonymy between sites and applications for defined applications Defined with future extensibility in mind to be an extensible long term effort

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