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Epigraphy Optional Course MA/MPhil Ancient History Leiden University 2015-2016 Instructor: Dr F.G. Naerebout

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1 Epigraphy Optional Course MA/MPhil Ancient History Leiden University 2015-2016 Instructor: Dr F.G. Naerebout

2 Typology Contents Context Form Corpora have chosen to use primarily context  provenance / dating But texts are also grouped on the basis of their contents, and even form

3 traditionally: Res publicae Res sacrae Vita privata

4 Guarducci, Epigrafia greca Epigrafi di carattere publico Epigrafi di carattere privato Epigrafi sacre pagane Leggi sacre, cippi terminali, oracoli, inni sacri, sanationes, listi di sacerdoti etc, dediche, arai, defixiones, laminette, amuletti, varia Epigrafi cristiane

5 Ghinatti, Profilo di epigrafia greca Decreti Lettere Rendiconti Inventari Dediche, iscrizioni sacre Tabelle di defissione Responsi oracolari, laminette orfiche “Gli altri tipi”

6 Larfeld, Griechische Epigraphik Staatsverträge, Gesetze, Dekrete, Edikte, Briefe Ehren-, Weih- und Grabinschriften Besitz-, Bau- und Künstlerinschriften Beambtenurkunden Kataloge Privatrechtliche Inschriften Inschriften literarischen Charakters

7 McLean, An introduction to Greek epigraphy Decrees, laws, treaties, official letters Honorific decrees, honorific inscriptions, proxeny decrees Dedications, ex-votos Funerary inscriptions Manumission inscriptions Other legal instruments Boundary stones, milestones, herms Sacred laws and other sacred inscriptions Inscriptions on buildings Inscriptions on portable objects Accounts and catalogues Quarry and masons’ marks Inscriptions in metal Graffiti Artists’ signatures

8 Meyer, Einführung in die lateinische Epigraphik Staatsurkunden Kalender, Liste, Fasti, Sonstiges Private Urkunden Bauinschriften Meilensteine Weihinschriften Ehreninschriften Grabinschriften Verschiedenes Kleininschriften

9 Lassère, Manuel d’épigraphie romaine Inscriptions privées –Biographie, la vie privée, épitaphes, magie Les institutions des cités La vie matérielle des cités –Constructions, métiers, productions, actes privés La vie sociale –Collèges, spectacles, jeux, évergétisme, la vie religieuse L’État –Magistratures, empereur, légions et corps auxiliaires

10 ! See inscriptions not just as texts but also as physical objects

11 Bérard et al., Guide de l’épigraphiste Histoire Fastes et calendriers Économie et société Guerre et armée Droit Architecture et sculpture Concours et spectacles Religion Elogia Inscriptions funéraires Épigrammes Tablettes, ostraca, graffites Instrumentum domesticum










21 1st assignment 1) choose any monograph or article that makes extensive use of inscriptional evidence; 2) analyse the references and trace the publications; 3) trace the actual inscriptions; 4) keep record of how you went about this – make a note of your strategies; 4) send your results to before next class; 5) the subject header of your mail should be: Epigraphy MA 2015 assignment 1 [your last name]. Use the same header as the title above any attachment.




25 PAPER 10.000 words Choose a subject and a question  find epigraphic evidence  publish a corpus (mettre en série!!) paying attention to publication history and editorial correctness. Provide full details  analyse the epigraphic evidence and discuss in how far that evidence can contribute to the answering of your question (be aware of the pros and cons of the material in your selection)  you may suggest some hypothesis, but you may also conclude that more (different) evidence is needed. As long as you have seriously discussed the potential of the inscriptional evidence.

26 Going digital Websites: see portal on

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