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EXT315 – National Warehouse Order Management. 1.National Warehouse Activities 2.National Warehouse Delivery Calendar 3.National Warehouse Fulfillment.

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Presentation on theme: "EXT315 – National Warehouse Order Management. 1.National Warehouse Activities 2.National Warehouse Delivery Calendar 3.National Warehouse Fulfillment."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXT315 – National Warehouse Order Management

2 1.National Warehouse Activities 2.National Warehouse Delivery Calendar 3.National Warehouse Fulfillment Process 4.Catalog View 5.Multi-food Requisitions 6.Modify Multi-food Orders 7. Receipting 8. Reporting

3 Improve Procurement practices & technologies to increase efficiencies Decrease administrative costs associated with procurement & contract management, and technology Enable USDA to become more efficient at meeting customer needs Improve order cycle times, financial processing, and customer relationship management to reduce costs Leverage advanced planning and collaboration tools to enable USDA to match supply and demand more effectively and efficiently

4 You will start  E-Auth to Login  Placing orders through one master catalog You will stop You will continue  Maintaining Surveys  Add non-delivery dates

5 Organization Admin Order Management Complaints Processing Recall Processing Warehouse Activities





10 Organization Admin Order Management Complaints Processing Recall Processing Warehouse Activities

11 Key TermDefinition WBSCM Portal Web-Based Supply Chain Management initiative, a web interface that can be used for USDA fulfillment or procurement. Wildcard SearchSearch using an asterisk and a portion of the field. Matchcode Search Search wherein a user chooses a value from a list of possible values for the field.

12 Key TermDefinition Context-Sensitive Help Help feature wherein user can get the step-by-step instructions on how to do a certain transaction. CatalogMedium used for placing orders in WBSCM. Sourcing Method Method for procuring goods. This could include direct delivery, processing, or multi-food.

13 Key TermDefinition Delivery Document Internal document automatically generated when goods are issued (shipped) from a warehouse. Bill of Lading Packing slip that accompanies an order sourced from a warehouse. Goods Issued Transaction performed by warehouse personnel when goods are sent to a customer. This decrements the inventory and automatically generates a delivery document.

14 Key TermDefinition Domestic Requisition Precursor to a sales order. RAs & Co-ops create domestic requisitions when they wish to order goods in WBSCM. Material MasterStorage area for all materials available in WBSCM. WorkflowProcess of routing a document from one user to another.

15 New TermOld Term Business PartnersITOs, SDAs, RAs, Co-ops, Vendors Sold-to PartySDA Code Ship-to PartyEntity Code

16 New TermOld Term Material or ProductCommodity Purchase OrderNotice to Deliver

17 New TermOld Term Program/Functional AreaOutlet Code Requested Delivery DateEnd Shipping Date

18 New TermOld Term BatchLot OrderDelivery Order CatalogSurveys

19 Learning Objectives Describe National Warehouse and related activities

20 Fulfill orders for: FDPIR – Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations CSFP – Commodity Supplemental Food Program

21 NW handle inventory management NW handle order shipping

22 Set Do Not Deliver Dates Create Multifood Order Enter Multi- Food Shipment Receipt

23 Set Do Not Deliver Dates Create Multifood Order Enter Multi- Food Shipment Receipt

24 Set Do Not Deliver Dates Create Multifood Order Enter Multi- Food Shipment Receipt

25 Set Do Not Deliver Dates Create Multifood Order Enter Multi- Food Shipment Receipt


27 1.An ITO would perform the following action(s): A.Manage National Warehouse stock B.Create Multi-Food Order C.Export Order to National Warehouse D.All of the above 2.National Warehouse fulfill orders for________. A.CSFP B.FDPIR C.A & B D.None of the above

28 Learning Objectives Describe National Warehouse Delivery Calendar Describe Do Not Deliver Dates Maintain the Delivery Calendar

29 Set Do Not Deliver Dates

30 Order Managers negotiate the delivery dates with the National Warehouse Admin National Warehouse Admin create and update delivery dates

31 Click on Maintain National Warehouse Delivery Calendar link Select Your: - Organization - Ship-To Location - Program - Calendar Start Date Click the “Go” Button Select Operations Select Order Processing Select NW Delivery Calendar

32 Select desired non-delivery dates.

33 Light blue: Accept deliveries ALL Day Yellow: Accept deliveries in the morning Light green: Accept deliveries in the afternoon Red: Non-delivery dates

34 Use Repeat On to set a routine non-delivery day! Enter the day of week or select from the search tool Enter the frequency Enter the start date or select from the calendar icon Click Add

35 Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required

36 Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted


38 1. Do Not Deliver dates are: A. Set by ITOs on preexisting contract B. Can be adjusted by ITO 24 hours before delivery C. Can never be changed D. Set by the National Warehouse 2. An ITO can create a Multi-food order selecting: A. Only the items available through the Multi-food program B. Items in inventory at the warehouse C. Both A & B D. None of the above

39 Learning Objectives Describe the National Warehouse Fulfillment Process Describe the Multi-Food Order Management Process

40 RAs, Co-ops, SDAs, ITOsNational Warehouse Place Requisitions/Multi- Food Orders Downloads placed multi- food orders

41 1. ITOs, RAs, Coops, SDAs place Multi-Food Orders 2. NW Downloads Orders 3. Delivery Docs Created 4. Goods Delivered 5. Enter Receipt

42 1. ITOs, RAs, Coops, SDAs place Multi-Food Orders 2. NW Downloads Orders 3. Delivery Docs Created 4. Goods Delivered 5. Enter Receipt

43 1. ITOs, RAs, Coops, SDAs place Multi-Food Orders 2. NW Downloads Orders 3. Delivery Docs Created 4. Goods Delivered 5. Enter Receipt

44 1. ITOs, RAs, Coops, SDAs place Multi-Food Orders 2. NW Downloads Orders 3. Delivery Docs Created 4. Goods Delivered 5. Enter Receipt

45 1. ITOs, RAs, Coops, SDAs place Multi-Food Orders 2. NW Downloads Orders 3. Delivery Docs Created 4. Goods Delivered 5. Enter Receipt

46 NW Order Management starts with the creation of multi-food orders Order Managers log into the WBSCM Portal to start with the requisition process.

47 SDAs & ITOs consolidate domestic requisitions, but do not consolidate multi- food orders Domestic requisitions are shipped directly from vendor to customer, whereas multi-food orders are sourced from a national warehouse FNS must approve all domestic sales orders, except multi-food orders


49 1.The incoming Bill of Lading (BOL) file are used to create ____ : A.Customer Receipts B.Delivery Documents and Post Goods Issue C.Sales Orders D.Domestic Requisitions 2._____ trigger the National Warehouse Fulfillment Process. A.Creating Multi-food Requisitions B.Entering Customer Shipment Receipt C.Post Goods Issued D.Creating Delivery Documents

50 Learning Objectives Describe WBSCM Catalog Describe Catalog Views

51 All domestic users order from one master catalog Catalogs can be filtered to create different views of the master catalog for different organizations Customers will no longer utilize surveys to place orders

52 Catalog Views are based on programs assigned to the SDA/ITO business partner FNS Org Admin will set the SDA / ITO Catalog View Determines which info can be seen You will see a catalog view for your program!


54 1.All domestic users look at ______: A.The catalog assigned for their role B.Different master catalogs in WBSCM C.The same master catalog in WBSCM D.None of the above 2.In order to segment the master catalog to show only relevant programs to ITOs, FNS will ________. A.Create Catalogs B.Maintain Catalogs C.Create Catalog Views D.Maintain Catalog Views

55 Learning Objectives Describe Multi-Food Requisitions/Orders Describe how to create a Multi-Food Requisition/Order

56 Starts the Multi-food order management process Multi-food Orders are sent to National Warehouse Multi-food Requisition /Order

57 In Multi- Food Program In Inventory Available Delivery Date

58 Programs: FDPIR CSFP NSLP NSIP TEFAP Sourcing Method: Direct Delivery Processing Diversion Multi-Food

59 Program FDPIR CSFP Sourcing Method Multi-food

60 Enter the quantity in the Quantity Field Click on the Shopping Cart to view Delivery Dates

61 Warehouse = quantity available on floor Pending Replenishments = quantity inbound to the warehouse

62 Click on cart to view items or continue with Order Click on Move to Cart to place chosen commodity in your cart

63 Select All – Selects all the items displayed on page Cancel Selection – Cancels the selected items Move to Cart – Places selected item(s) in cart Products Per Page – Use the drop-down arrow to show 5, 10, 25, 50, or ALL items


65 Update – Click on this to save new changes made Add more to order – Click on this to view the items list Cancel – Click on this to cancel/delete the order Order – Click on this to place the order

66 Only available delivery dates will display Available Dates come from the Delivery Calendar More than 5 days and less than 30 days Offshore: More than 30 days and less than 90 days

67 Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required

68 Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted


70 1.To create a Multi-food requisition, navigate the catalog by ______: A.Program B.Sourcing Method C.Commodity D.A & B 2.Under Available Quantity, the Warehouse column indicates ________. A.The quantity available on the floor B.The quantity inbound to the warehouse C.What is available soon but not today D.None of the above

71 Learning Objectives Describe how to view and modify a Multi-food Order

72 Use the Portal to view a Multi-food Order Utilize the search criteria or enter the transaction ID

73 What can you change? Ship-to PartyDelivery Dates Materials & Quantities

74 Search Criteria: Search For Status Creation Date ID Type ID


76 Header Level Details – shown in blue Line Item Details – shown in yellow

77 Header Level Details: Your Reference Your Description Default Delivery Settings for Items

78 Transactional Details: Item Product Quantity Program Description Total Price

79 Print – print the order Change – make updates to the order Close – no changes made

80 Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required

81 Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted


83 1. In ‘My Transactions’, you may use any of the search criteria to bring up a saved requisition except for _______. A. Creation Date B. Approval Date C. Search For D. ID 2. Your Reference, Your Description, and Delivery Status are examples of _________. A. Master data B. Transactional details C. Header level details D. Search Criteria

84 Learning Objectives Describe the Receipting Process Describe Receipting a Multi-food Shipment

85 Provide details such as: What was received? When was shipment received? Who signed for it? Are there any damages?

86 Verify the quality of goods received Calculate the delivery shortage or overage Integral part in the Recall/Complaints Process

87 Who enters a shipment receipt? Ship-To Org Admin Order Manager Contracting Officer You have the ability to either: Enter receipt(s) Upload receipt(s)

88 Shipment Receipt(s) may be uploaded to WBSCM Receipt file to be uploaded must be an XML file

89 Initial Reporting Screen Select Operations tab Select Order Processing Select Upload Shipment Receipts Click on the Upload Shipment Receipt link File to be uploaded is in XML format Select the XML file to be uploaded and click Submit

90 Initial Reporting Screen Select Operations tab Select Order Processing Select Shipment Receipts Click on the Enter Shipment Receipt link Enter the Order Number for the Order placed Click on the Delivery Document Number

91 Signed By Quantity Date Received Comments

92 For damaged goods, enter: Good Quantity: actual quantity received that’s not damaged Damaged Quantity: quantity that has been damaged due to transport, uploading, or storage Description: descriptive information about the damaged quantities received


94 Click on Submit Receipt to finish receipting the order.

95 Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required

96 Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted


98 1.A benefit of entering a shipment receipt is: A.Track Order B.Verify quality of goods C.Able to report damaged goods D.All of the above 2.The ship-to party can enter receipt. Who else can enters a shipment receipt? A.RA Org Admin B.Co-op Org Admin C.RA Org Admin D.ITO Order Manager

99 Learning Objectives Discuss Multi-food Requisition Report Discuss Multi-food Shipment Notification Discuss Value of Commodities Received

100 Reports available at your fingertips through WBSCM

101 Received Shipment Report Multi-Food Shipment Notification Report Value of Materials Received – Multi-food Multi-Food Requisition Report List of Materials Material Pricing Report Fulfillment Reporting

102 Received Shipment Report

103 Multi-Food Received Shipment Report

104 Value of Materials Received – Multi-Food Value of Materials Received – Multi-Food Report

105 Multi-Food Requisition Report

106 List of Materials List of Materials Report

107 Material Pricing Report

108 Use * in place of unknown values to find a display of values you can choose from. Example: Type ‘10*’ for an unknown Sold-To starting with ‘10’.

109 Matchcode Search Functionality lets you display possible values for field

110 Clicking on the grey diamond allows you to narrow search criteria by choosing various operands like greater than, less than, unequal to, etc. Clicking the grey diamonds will display the Selection Options pop up (shown on left)

111 The Multiple Options pop- up windows provide additional ways for narrowing selection criteria Click on a yellow arrow to enter additional criteria Click the yellow arrows to perform an advanced search

112 Click on Settings to: Modify column selection Sort Calculate Filter Display

113 Click on Settings to further customize columns. Click on the Column Selection tab to further customize columns.

114 Move items from the Displayed Columns to the Hidden Columns queue Change the sequence of columns Apply changes

115 Filtering a Report Enter your filtering criteria in the desired field, in the filter row, the press Enter Creates a new filter & displays filter row Deletes Filter & Removes Filter Row Filter row

116 Sorting Columns in a Report Sorting columns in ascending or descending order allows users to organize their results Click on the up arrow for the respective column to sort results in ascending order Click on the down arrow for the respective column to sort results in descending order Use the up and down arrows to sort results

117 Click on Settings to do Calculations Click on the Calculation tab to calculate Total, Minimum, Maximum, and Mean Value

118 Calculation Features Click the Apply button to run the calculation and display the result in the table Only the columns that can be analyzed with calculations will be displayed.

119 Calculation Features Select your display preferences

120 Display Functions Click the Apply button for the changes to take effect. Click on the Display tab to change the appearance of the report.

121 Display Functions Click the Apply button for the changes to take effect. Go to the Print Version tab to alter the report so it can be printed.

122 Pop-up prompts you to name the view Name and Save the view

123 Reports can be printed, and print specifications can be customized by the user. Reports can be exported to excel Select your view

124 Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required

125 Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted


127 1. The Reporting functionality includes: A. Filtering B. Displaying C. Calculating D. All of the above 2. To access the desired report, follow Reports tab to _________. A. Order Processing B. Complaint Administration C. Recall Administration D. None of the above.

128 You have successfully completed your eLearning course! Thank You!

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