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RRISD Elementary Language Arts Program Status Report Presented by: Floridalia Zúñiga-Gray August 6, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "RRISD Elementary Language Arts Program Status Report Presented by: Floridalia Zúñiga-Gray August 6, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 RRISD Elementary Language Arts Program Status Report Presented by: Floridalia Zúñiga-Gray August 6, 2015

2 Mission: Round Rock ISD will provide exemplary education, guidance and encouragement to empower all students to reach their individual potential and become contributing members of a diverse community. District Goal 1: Increase student achievement as measured by growth, focusing on core instruction while providing opportunities for intervention and enrichment. District Goal 2: Establish a positive school culture and climate that continues to enhance RRISD as a highly effective learning organization. District Goal 3: Develop innovative and engaging learning environments for students and staff District Mission and Goals

3 District Goal 1: Increase student achievement as measured by growth, focusing on core instruction while providing opportunities for intervention and enrichment.  Increase the percent of students meeting or exceeding TEA’s Student Progress Measure by 3 percent  Increase the percentage of economically disadvantaged students achieving passing rates on the statewide standardized testing program by a minimum of 2 percent  Increase the percent of students in all student groups meeting college readiness standards Student Achievement

4 2015 STAAR Reading 3 rd Grade

5 2015 STAAR Reading 4 th Grade

6 2015 STAAR Writing 4 th Grade


8  Continue:  Project-Based Learning  Dual Language Enrichment Model & increase Two-way DLE  Sheltered Instruction-Making Language accessible to all students  Innovations in Technology Integration  Formative Assessments  Continue:  Project-Based Learning  Dual Language Enrichment Model & increase Two-way DLE  Sheltered Instruction-Making Language accessible to all students  Innovations in Technology Integration  Formative Assessments Areas of Strength and Areas of Growth (District Goals 1—3)  Address: Index 2 – Student Progress Correlates lack of movement in scores – Address in PLC/GLLC Index 3 – Closing the Gaps Correlates to the discrepancy in scores between Culturally Responsiveness Teaching ELPS/Language Objectives

9 The ARRC provides teachers with planning documents that:  Ensure equal opportunities for all students to learn the curriculum  Reduce gaps and unproductive redundancies in the curriculum  Serve as a basis for district curriculum-based assessments  Focus teacher planning time on instruction Components:  At-A-Glance Maps – provide information on required units of instruction at a summary level  Instructional Timelines – provide unit details required for planning for daily instruction  Six or nine week bundles of TEKS/SEs – organized by grading period  Examples and specifications defining the TEKS/SE – clarify state standards that need additional detail  Language of Instruction – identifies key academic terminology teachers use when working with students  Additional resources – specifies model lessons and resources provided to campuses Curriculum Alignment

10 District Goal 3: Develop innovative and engaging learning environments for students and staff  Successfully integrate the 4 C’s (content, collaboration, communication, and creativity), providing relevant instruction that emphasizes higher-order thinking skills  Successfully implement the Next Generation Digital Classroom, enriching the curriculum and expanding learning opportunities by providing enhanced technology  Increase high levels of engagement, using key metrics from the HB 5 Community and Student Engagement accountability framework Professional Development

11 Model Lesson Reading Subject/Skill: 3 rd Grade—Cause and Effect TEKS/SE: 3.13(D) use text features (e.g., bold print, captions, key words, italics) to locate information and make and verify predictions about contents of text Lesson Objective: Identify implicit cause-and-effect relationships in nonfiction. Instructional Strategies: *Watch YouTube video-Cause and Effect: build background *I will Explain that cause-and-effect relationships can also be found in nonfiction and can be used to understand the content of the text. I will begin reading The Planets by Gail Gibbons identifying and charting cause-and-effect relationships in the text, stopping at page 4. I will model my thinking as I identify and/or infer the cause-and-effect relationships. *Questions/prompts with an emphasis on providing “wait time” to allow students to think & respond. *Turn & Talk

12 Guided Practice *We will continue reading The Planets and charting cause-and-effect relationships in the text stopping before the page about Earth. (Direct Teaching and Guided Practice Example Chart is provided below.) Independent Practice *You will listen as I read one of the remaining sections from the book. You will identify two cause-and-effect relationships from the text, labeling each cause and effect. (Independent Practice worksheet is provided below.) Differentiation: The students will be asked to work in pairs and picking a book of their choice to create a poster identifying all the elements of a story (title, characters, sequence of events identifying the cause and effects throughout the story). Assessment Instruments/Procedures: -Participation and accurate responding when called upon. -Locate clue words to identify the cause and effect on graphic organizer Materials: The Planets, Gail Gibbons, Anchor Chart with Clue words-because, so, if then, as a result of, therefore, since, plus new vocabulary, definitions of cause and effect: Chart paper and markers for cause and effect activity YouTube Video on Cause and Effect 3 rd Grade Cause and Effect

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