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 Choice boards address student readiness, interest and learning preferences A great motivator – promotes student independence and responsibility!  Easy.

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2  Choice boards address student readiness, interest and learning preferences A great motivator – promotes student independence and responsibility!  Easy way to differentiate instruction without other students Knowledge – Students usually Partner with like ability students  An Easily Assessable Standards Based Activity Addressing… › Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. › Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. › Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. › Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression and/or social interaction.

3  With your partner move around the gym to various stations and participate at the designated challenge at your ability level.  Designate who will be “X” and who will be “O” (rock/paper/scissors if necessary)  The winner of the challenge wins the box and picks the next challenge  Continue on until someone gets 3 in a row – or continue to play the whole board and see if you can get another 3 in a row – or who can get the most X or O  Find another partner to challenge

4  Analyzing Your Results and Answer the Questions At the Bottom of the Paper (Self Assessment)  During your cool down walk – discuss with your partner or group the following question “Is it more important to develop components of health related fitness or skill related fitness?” Provide evidence to support your claim(Peer / Group Assessment or writing assignment as homework)  Collect activity sheets for an effort/participation grade based on number completed

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