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Topic Question: Are bacteria, plant and animal cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

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2 Topic Question: Are bacteria, plant and animal cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

3 Research: Organelle - a structure that performs a specific function within a cell - usually surrounded by a membrane - called “little” organs Prokaryote - unicellular - do not have a nucleus or membrane bound organelles Eukaryote - most are multi-cellular - have a nucleus & membrane bound organelles

4 Hypothesis: If I observe bacteria, plant, and animal cells, then I will see that…

5 Experiment: Group 1: Biological Drawings Group 2: Microscopes We will switch in 15 minutes!

6 Cheek Cell  Plant Cell chloroplast

7  Write a brief summary of what you did in class over the last three days. Experiment:

8  1. Plant and cheek cell microscope lab sheet  2. Bacteria cell illustration  3. Plant cell illustration  4. Animal cell illustration  5. Comparison data chart Data: (see attached )

9 1. Was your hypothesis correct or not correct? 2. Do you need to revise your hypothesis?  Do you need to create a new hypothesis based on what you observed? If yes, what is your new hypothesis? 3. What types of cells are prokaryotic and what types of cells are eukaryotic. How do you know? 4. What do all cells have in common? 5. How do bacteria cells differ from plant and animal cells? 6. How do plant cells differ from animal cells? Conclusion:

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