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P.B.I.S. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.

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Presentation on theme: "P.B.I.S. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports."— Presentation transcript:

1 P.B.I.S. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

2 What is PBIS? It is a framework for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students. It IS NOT a packaged curriculum It supports the success of ALL students.

3 PBIS: Discipline and Classroom Management Effective classroom management and preventive school discipline are essential for supporting teaching and learning. PBIS goes further by emphasizing that classroom management and preventive school discipline must be integrated and working together with effective academic instruction in a positive and safe school climate to maximize success for all students.

4 PBIS: The Basics Just as we teach students in our content areas we must also teach them how to behave and how to interact socially Once behavior expectations are taught and practiced students can be held accountable for their actions and the proper behaviors reinforced with rewards AND consequences

5 Matrix of Behavioral Expectations HALLWAYCLASSROOMCAFETERIAASSEMBLIESBATHROOM R espectful *Keep them clean *Respect the property of others *Use appropriate language *Talk quietly *Keep hands and feet to yourself *Be polite *Speak quietly *Raise your hand * Sit up in your seat * Keep your hands to yourself *Talk quietly *Only get out of seat when necessary *Clean up after yourself *Remain quiet *Stay seated *Be courteous *Keep facilities clean *Use supplies appropriately (soap, paper towels, etc.) O perate Responsibly L isten & Learn E xpect the best R each for success

6 School-wide Information System (SWIS) This is a web based program which graphs office discipline referral (ODRs)data. This program creates instant graphs for behavioral incidents per day- per month, time of day, specific behaviors, location and by specific student.

7 Rewards System Principals 200 Club – random system with Monthly Motivator; teachers distribute tickets Lunch Bunch – each teacher receives one ticket a week to handout; occurs every Friday (middle school only) Quarterly Rewards Classroom Rewards/Honors End of the Year Reward

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