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Project Overview O CTOBER 27 TH, 2009 Presented to:

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1 Project Overview O CTOBER 27 TH, 2009 Presented to:

2 Overview of project d e renne Phase I of the project included detailed traffic analysis and public outreach. These two steps will help identify transportation deficiencies as well as document specific project concerns. Phase II consist of the collaborative creation of evaluation criteria and the development of transportation and land use alternatives, resulting in the selection of a preferred alternative. Phase III will include a detailed environmental review of related impacts and preliminary design. Phase IV will include final design for the selected improvements. Phase V will include implementation of the selected improvements.

3 Study area

4 Phase I – Public outreach Objectives: Neutralize public animosity about DeRenne Avenue widening Establish a structured platform for continuous communication Gather public input about issues and opportunities Establish Guiding Principles

5 Phase I – Public outreach Primary Elements: Stakeholders Steering Committee Project Advisory Committee General Public

6 Phase I – Public outreach Project DeRenne Stakeholders: Hunter Army Airfield St. Joseph’s/Candler Memorial University Medical Center Savannah Tech Park and Tree PSN Historic Savannah Foundation Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools

7 Phase I – Public outreach Project DeRenne Steering Committee: The Steering Committee’s mission was stated as follows “The Project DeRenne Steering Committee will, as a unified group, assist the City of Savannah in guiding the established process of planning improvements to the project corridor leveraging the diverse professional backgrounds of its individual staff members to form an evolving consensus (based on updates from the City’s project team and refined during regularly scheduled meetings) to steer the project’s next steps with a primary focus on key activities of the public outreach program. Citizen Office Parking & Mobility Services Comm. Planning and Dev. Economic Development Public Works MPC Public Development Real Property Traffic Engineering Chatham County Engineering GDOT Savannah Development & Renewal Authority Representation on Steering Committee

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