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The Trinity Objective: To explore the Christian idea of the Trinity. Outcome: To be able to explain what the Trinity is. To be able to identify each part.

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Presentation on theme: "The Trinity Objective: To explore the Christian idea of the Trinity. Outcome: To be able to explain what the Trinity is. To be able to identify each part."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Trinity Objective: To explore the Christian idea of the Trinity. Outcome: To be able to explain what the Trinity is. To be able to identify each part of the Trinity.

2 What do all these pictures have in common?

3 The Trinity The Father, son and Holy Spirit.

4 The Father The part of God who created us, who keeps the world going as he Loves us. He is beyond and far away from us.

5 The Son. The part of God that came to earth and lived as a human, that we can have a relationship with. Who teaches us the right way to live

6 The Holy Spirit The part who is all around, who we can have a relationship with, but who it also beyond and hard to describe. The Holy Spirit inspires and guides Christians from day to day.

7 Task Draw a picture that uses symbols to represent the three aspects of the trinity and the fact that God has three parts, but is only one! (monotheistic).

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