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Chapter One: The Gift of Being Human We are made in the Divine Image. –Created out of love—for love! –Humans are the summit—the best--of God’s creation!

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter One: The Gift of Being Human We are made in the Divine Image. –Created out of love—for love! –Humans are the summit—the best--of God’s creation!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter One: The Gift of Being Human We are made in the Divine Image. –Created out of love—for love! –Humans are the summit—the best--of God’s creation! –God allows us to create! (we are co- creators.) –Created good! (all creation is good.) –We are Spiritual beings! (body and soul)

2 We share in the life of the Trinity- Father Son Holy Spirit.


4 “Because of the Creation and still more the Incarnation, nothing here below is profane for those who know how to see.” Teillard

5 Amazing Creation/Amazing God 1. Consider the power creation has to communicate aspects of God to us. 2. Search for a picture of creation expressing one aspect of God. 3. Type a one paragraph essay explaining the picture of your choice and its connection to God’s image. 4. Prepare to present your picture to the class. Save the picture to a flash drive or email it to your LF email. 5. In presenting to the class be able to explain why you chose this picture and how this picture reflects God. 6. Assignment is due on 10/11. Presentations will begin on that day











16 Steve Jobs Three Teachings about Life Listen In the “Odds and Ends” section of your notebook, jot down a word, phrase, idea that catches your attention as you listen to his words.

17 Our Spiritual Nature We have a “holy hunger” for God. St. Augustine: “You have made us for yourself, O God, and so our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” Awesome capacities in being human. These capacities can contribute to a sense of incompleteness. There is a missing piece in our lives. This piece/peace is God.



20 Being Human Ability to think Ability to love Ability to choose –Free Will –Responsibility –Capacity to grow

21 Group Work In groups of three, work on the following: Page 33: How Jesus Treated Others Each person takes two Gospel passages. Read them, summarize the lessons of each one. Share the lesson with your group. Each person is responsible for all the lessons. Page 28: For Your Journal Write three rules to guide you in being your best self.

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