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A worldwide library cooperative OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC CJK Users Group 2007 Annual Meeting March 24, 2007, Boston David Whitehair, OCLC.

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Presentation on theme: "A worldwide library cooperative OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC CJK Users Group 2007 Annual Meeting March 24, 2007, Boston David Whitehair, OCLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 A worldwide library cooperative OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC CJK Users Group 2007 Annual Meeting March 24, 2007, Boston David Whitehair, OCLC OCLC Cataloging Update

2 OCLC Online Computer Library Center ISBN-13  ISBN-13 implemented in November 2006  WorldCat records include both 13 digit and corresponding 10 digit ISBNs in 020  Existing records converted to create 13 digit for all existing 10 digits and move 024’s back to 020  Online input, user enters 10 or 13, the system adds the other

3 OCLC Online Computer Library Center

4 OCLC Control Number expansion  Records before 100,000,000  Prefix ocm  8 digits with trailing space  Starting with record number 100,000,000  Prefix ocn  9 digits with no trailing space  All OCLC systems and services are ready for WorldCat to reach 100 million  Watch WorldCat Grow at

5 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Authority-related changes  Search Authority LCCN with or without hyphen  ln:79-22087 or ln:79022087  [CHILDREN’S] label added to authority searching results

6 OCLC Online Computer Library Center

7 Extract metadata enhancements  Extract metadata from MP3 files  Sound Recordings format workform (Type:j)  Data from.htm or.html files inserts into Continuing Resources format workform  Previously inserted into Books format workform  Standardized notes and 007 field supplied

8 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Authority history  View superseded versions of records for LC Names and Subjects  Read-only view

9 OCLC Online Computer Library Center






15 Toolbar and menu changes  New WorldCat quick search toolbar  New quick tools for text strings and user tools  Move toolbar buttons more easily using and drag

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18 Additional scripts  Bengali and Devanagari scripts supported with client 1.60 and 1.70  Bengali script is used for Bangla, Assamese, and other languages  Devanagari script is used for Hindi, Marathi, and other languages  WorldCat now supports Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Tamil, and Thai

19 OCLC Online Computer Library Center


21 More for non-Latin script cataloging  Convert to MARC-8 CJK feature  Transliterate Persian  Full-mode users enabled to add non- Latin scripts to master records  Previously required an Enhance authorization  Available to both client 1.60 and 1.70 users

22 OCLC Online Computer Library Center

23 Z39.50 Cataloging enhancements  Access to the Authority File  Non-Latin script with bibliographic records from WorldCat  Output options to match Connexion client export  Include all data, with non-Latin scripts in the 880 fields (new default)  Include Latin script only  Include all data, with Latin scripts in the 880 fields  Include non-Latin scripts only  Option for MARC-8 or Unicode UTF-8 character set  See

24 OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC eSerials Holdings service  Set and maintain title level holdings for electronic serials in WorldCat at no additional charge  Serials Solutions, TDNet, EBSCO  Option to receive MARC bibliographic records coming in 2007  See

25 OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Cataloging Partners  OCLC PromptCat service and Cataloging Partners program merged  Three levels  Basic  100% record delivery  Customized record delivery  See

26 OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Selection  Based on Cornell’s Integrated Tool for Selection and Ordering at Cornell University Library (ITSO CUL)  Released December 2006  See

27 OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Selection  OCLC, Cornell and materials vendors partnering to help streamline selection and ordering process  Allows selectors to view records from multiple vendors in one system and acquisitions staff to output WorldCat MARC records to load into the ILS to complete the ordering process

28 OCLC Online Computer Library Center

29 A worldwide library cooperative OCLC Online Computer Library Center Questions? ? ? ?

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