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apple vegetables noodles meat bread milk rice orange juice fish banana water orange Bingo game!

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2 apple vegetables noodles meat bread milk rice orange juice fish banana water orange Bingo game!

3 Lesson 1: A1,3. At the store ?

4 1.Cooking oil(n) = dầu ăn 2.toothpaste(n)= kem đánh răng 3.chocolate(n) = sô cô la = trứng 5.beef(n) = thịt bò 6.soap(n) = xà phòng 4.egg(n) 7.tea(n) = trà

5 1.Cooking oil(n) = dầu ăn 2.toothpaste(n)= kem đánh răng 3.chocolate(n) = sô cô la = trứng 5.beef(n) = thịt bò 6.soap(n) = xà phòng 4.egg(n) 7.tea(n) = trà

6 1. A bottle of: 5/ …gram-> kilo of: 2/ A tube of: 6/ A bar of: 4/ A dozen: 7/ A packet of: c. Một chai/ lọ f. …gam->kílô d. Một tuýp g. Một bánh/ thỏi e. Một tá b. Một gói/ hộp 3/ A box of: a. Một hộp GUESS WORDS BY MACHING

7 1. A bottle of: 5/ …gram-> kilo of: 2/ A tube of: 6/ A bar of: 4/ A dozen: 7/ A packet of: Một chai/ lọ …gam->kílô Một tuýp Một bánh/ thỏi Một tá Một gói/ hộp 3/ A box of: Một hộp LISTEN AND REPEAT

8 * Listen and repeat: a bottle of cooking oil a packet of tea a box of chocolates a kilo of rice 200 grams of beef a dozen eggs a can of peas a bar of soap a tube of toothpaste

9 * Dialogue: At the store Mrs. Vui Storekeeper Can I help you? A bottle of cooking oil, please. Here you are. Thank you.

10 * Note: Can I help you? A bottle of cooking oil, please. I’d like/want a bottle of cooking oil. 1/ => đề nghị giúp việc gì đó 2/ => đề nghị mua hàng

11 * Listen and repeat: a bottle of cooking oil a packet of tea a box of chocolates a kilo of rice 200 grams of beef a dozen eggs a can of peas a bar of soap a tube of toothpaste

12 * Practice a bottle cooking oil a packet of tea a box of chocolates a kilo of rice 200 grams of beef a dozen eggs a can of peas a bar of soap a tube of toothpaste S1: Can I help you? S2: Yes...................,please. S1: Here you are. S2: Thank you.

13 Listen and Matching 1/ PHUONG 2/ LY 4/ NAM 3/ MAI A CBDE 2/ LY A box of chocolates A tube of toothpaste A can of soda A packet of cookies A bar of soap

14 Your friend: Can I help you? you: Yes. ………………………….., please. Your friend: Here you are. you: Thank you. You and your friend at the store:

15 Homework: - Learn newwords -Prepare new lesson part A2,3,4 on page 116-117

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