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Canada By: Meghan Flags Canada has a white flag with two red bars on the side and a red maple leaf in the middle. The U.S.A. has 13 red and white stripes.

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Presentation on theme: "Canada By: Meghan Flags Canada has a white flag with two red bars on the side and a red maple leaf in the middle. The U.S.A. has 13 red and white stripes."— Presentation transcript:


2 Canada By: Meghan

3 Flags Canada has a white flag with two red bars on the side and a red maple leaf in the middle. The U.S.A. has 13 red and white stripes with 50 stars surrounded by blue in the top left-hand corner.

4 Type of leader/leader’s name Canada’s ruler is called a Prime Minister and his name is Paul Martin. The U.S.’s ruler is called a President and his name is George W. Bush.

5 Popular cities Canada has many popular cities. Toronto, Niagara Falls, Ontario, or Montreal are some cities. The U.S. also has many popular cities like N.Y.C., Las Vegas, San Francisco, or Orlando, FL. (below N.Y.C.) (below Toronto)

6 My visits to Canada One time I went to Toronto, Ontario. We went shopping in a HUGE mall. We also went to a Yankees game. It was AWESOME!!

7 Thanks for watching

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