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Future of Hardwoods in Oregon (and the Pacific Northwest) Glenn Ahrens Oregon State University Extension Forestry Clatsop and Tillamook County.

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Presentation on theme: "Future of Hardwoods in Oregon (and the Pacific Northwest) Glenn Ahrens Oregon State University Extension Forestry Clatsop and Tillamook County."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future of Hardwoods in Oregon (and the Pacific Northwest) Glenn Ahrens Oregon State University Extension Forestry Clatsop and Tillamook County

2 Future of the Hardwood Industry = Hardwood Resource Available timber inventory Harvesting volume trends Long-term sustainable supply? –Incidental hardwoods in the forest –Managed hardwood forests

3 Source: USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis, BC Ministry of Forests

4 Source: USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis, BC Ministry of Forests ~1995-2000

5 Abundant hardwoods are a legacy of past practices. Modern forest practices generally reduce the hardwood component in the PNW.

6 Source: USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis


8 Availability of alder timber is reduced by policy and regulation Public timber policy – federal and state Riparian management areas Unstable slopes Wildlife habitat


10 Uncertain balance - determines the future of the Hardwood Resource Negative factors Continued management favoring conifers Reduction in forest land base due to policy, regulation, and non-forest land use Positive factors Continued regeneration of incidental hardwoods. Increasing management for alder.

11 Increasing Hardwood Management in the Future Depends on: high market values = log prices successful management techniques competitive timber yields and economic returns.

12 Source: Oregon Department of Forestry quarterly log price reports 1977-2004


14 For a brighter future… …Improve the capability of landowners to profitably produce and sell hardwoods. Improve market options - veneer logs, sawlogs, pulp logs. Demonstrate yield and economic returns from managed alder. Continue research and education on how to manage for higher value hardwood stands. Increase availability of seedlings.

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