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Greek Civilizations Chapter 5.4. The Spread of Greek Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Civilizations Chapter 5.4. The Spread of Greek Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Civilizations Chapter 5.4

2 The Spread of Greek Culture

3 What was the name of the book that Appolonius of Rhodes wrote? Argonautica

4 What was Argonautica about? It tells the legend of Jason and his band of heroes. They search for a ram with a “golden fleece”.

5 What did Theocritus write ? He wrote short poems about the beauty of nature.

6 How was the comedy in Athens was different from in Ancient Greece? These stories still had a happy ending and made people laugh. These did not make fun of political leaders.

7 Philosophy

8 Who was Epicurus? He was a philosopher who founded Epicureanism.

9 Which philosophy believes happiness was the goal of life? Epicureanism

10 Who developed Stoicism? A Phoenician named Zeno

11 Which philosophy believes that happiness comes from following reason, not emotions, and doing your duty? Stoicism

12 Greek Science and Math

13 What do you call people that study the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies? Astronomers

14 Who was the astronomer who claimed that the sun was at the center of the universe and that Earth circled the sun? Aristarchus

15 Who was in charge of the library at Alexandria and concluded that the Earth is round? Eratosthenes

16 Who is the most famous Greek mathematician who describes plane geometry in his book Elements? Euclid

17 What do you call the branch of mathematics that shows how points, lines, angles, and surfaces relate to each other? Plane Geometry

18 Who was the most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Era? Archimedes

19 What do you call the study of ball-like shapes called spheres and tubelike shapes called cylinders? Solid Geometry

20 What is the value used to measure the area of a circle? Pi

21 What did Archimedes build for the King of Syracuse to help protect the city? He built catapults (machines that hurled arrows, rocks, and spears).

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