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Maximizing the Beneficial Tools and Resources of the PSAT/NMSQT Program to Promote College Readiness College Board Middle States Regional Forum February.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing the Beneficial Tools and Resources of the PSAT/NMSQT Program to Promote College Readiness College Board Middle States Regional Forum February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing the Beneficial Tools and Resources of the PSAT/NMSQT Program to Promote College Readiness College Board Middle States Regional Forum February 13, 2008

2 To become knowledgeable about resources that can increase the benefits of the PSAT/NMSQT to students and schools. To learn about My College QuickStart to support student college readiness and planning. To hear real life best practices from two exemplary educators on effectively using the PSAT/NMSQT Summary of Answers and Skills (SOAS) and AP Potential. To understand how PSAT/NMSQT fits into the overall plan of action to create a culture of college readiness. Today’s Goals 2

3 Overview of My College QuickStart Mimi Lee, PSAT/NMSQT Program Overview of AP Potential and SOAS Natalie Davy, District Guidance, Yonkers Public Schools Concluding remarks and Q&A Agenda 3

4 My College QuickStart 4

5 My College QuickStart is provided to PSAT/NMSQT test- takers only. It is a free, personalized college and career planning kit that takes student information and answers provided when they took the test, and presents personalized data back in four main parts: * My Online Score Report * My SAT Study Plan * My College Matches * My Major and Career Matches Available in mid-December 5

6 My College QuickStart New this year: Educators can see and experience My College QuickStart firsthand using a demo account! To log in: Go to the Summary of Answers and Skills (SOAS) reports homepage; sign in with your SOAS access code, which is printed in the upper-right corner your school's Roster of Student Scores and Plans; and click on ‘MCQS Demo Wednesday Test’ or ‘MCQS Demo Saturday Test’. 6

7 My College QuickStart New this year: My College QuickStart is provided to middle school students and PSSS test-takers. Note: Middle school students are presented with The Official SAT Question of the Day instead of the My SAT Study Plan. 7

8 My College QuickStart New this year: My College QuickStart resources are available From http://professionals.colleg 12/prepare/quickstart, click on “resources” for access to: Lesson plans How-to guides on getting connected Implementation Guide containing best practices Parent communication 8

9 My College QuickStart: Signing in Click on Sign In Enter the access code from the student paper score report 9

10 My College QuickStart My Online Score Report Look Beyond Your Score Access test questions, student answers, and complete answer explanations Sort answers; e.g. “questions answered incorrectly or omitted” Find out the projected SAT score range See state and national percentiles 10

11 My College QuickStart My Online Score Report Look Beyond Your Score Access test questions, student answers, and complete answer explanations Sort answers; e.g. “questions answered incorrectly or omitted” Find out the projected SAT score range See state and national percentiles 11

12 My College QuickStart My Online Score Report Look Beyond Your Score Access test questions, student answers, and complete answer explanations Sort answers; e.g. “questions answered incorrectly or omitted” Find out the projected SAT score range See state and national percentiles Students can sort questions to review types of questions they answered incorrectly or omitted 12

13 My College QuickStart My SAT Study Plan Prepare for the SAT Students can make the most of their PSAT/NMSQT results with their own customized SAT study plan: Find out skills to improve, for each student based on their PSAT/NMSQT results Get acquainted with the format of the SAT and learn test-taking approaches Access an official SAT practice test Sign up for the SAT Question of the Day 13

14 My College QuickStart My SAT Study Plan Prepare for the SAT Students can make the most of their PSAT/NMSQT results with their own customized SAT study plan: Find out skills to improve, for each student based on their PSAT/NMSQT results Get acquainted with the format of the SAT and learn test-taking approaches Access an official SAT practice test Sign up for the SAT Question of the Day 14

15 My College QuickStart My SAT Study Plan Prepare for the SAT Students can make the most of their PSAT/NMSQT results with their own customized SAT study plan: Find out skills to improve, for each student based on their PSAT/NMSQT results Get acquainted with the format of the SAT and learn test-taking approaches Access an official SAT practice test Sign up for the SAT Question of the Day 15

16 My College QuickStart My College Matches Jump-Start the College Search Get a list of colleges that offer the student’s indicated preferred major in their home state. 16

17 My College QuickStart My Major and Career Matches Connect to the Possibilities When students take the PSAT/NMSQT, they indicate a major they’re interested in. My Major and Career matches provides: A full profile of the indicated major Related majors Related careers 17

18 My College QuickStart My Major and Career Matches Connect to the Possibilities Students are provided with a full profile of their indicated major, including: Ways to prepare while still in high school A list of courses students can expect to take in college Possible careers associated with various degree levels 18

19 My College QuickStart My Major and Career Matches Discover the Unknown If a student is uncertain of his/her major of interest or would like to explore other possible matches, MyRoad includes a personality test to help them discover majors and careers that match their interests. 19

20 Effective use of AP Potential and SOAS in Yonkers Public Schools, NY Natalie Davy District Guidance, Yonkers Public Schools 20

21 The PSAT/NMSQT Summary of Answers and Skills (SOAS) 21

22 SOAS Report Overview 22

23 Use of the Data College Board was involved in professional development with our central office administrators at the beginning of the year Principals receive professional development from central office and College Board staff to interpret data from the SOAS reports Principals created an action plan with their administrative team and department chairs to implement strategies for improvement. 23

24 Guidance counselors provide a presentation to all 10 th & 11 th grade classes when the scores arrive to identify what the scores mean and the services that college board offers all test takers including customized test preparation. All students have received their individual scores for this year. * MyRoad has been made available for all students * We have received the ability to use AP Potential from the October scores Review and compare results for 10 th and 11 th grade students. 24

25 In all English and Math classes our students are exposed to SAT look- a-likes throughout the year in every course with focus on skills that showed weakness. * They are required to take a minimum of 2 timed writings. All English teachers have a test taking strategies sheet that their students are exposed to throughout each school year. * All 9, 10, and 11 grade teachers expose their students to both SAT and look alike questions and writings throughout the school year in English. They are scored on the SAT, and students are trained on how to write for that audience and use the rubrics as well. Additionally they are exposed to a vocabulary and grammar diagnostic at the beginning of sophomore year in a SAT style to provide teachers with input as to where specific weaknesses might be. * This drives pre-class or Do Now activities in their classes. Curriculum-Based Preparation for Students at Cherry Hill Schools 25

26 In Math classes there are 16 types of SAT questions that the students must know how to answer. In most cases students receive enough SAT Do Now activities and they are exposed to 3 full SAT tests over the period of a year. Teachers of 9, 10, and 11 grade students are required to expose their students to both SAT and HSPA questions. 12 th grade teachers use SAT and SAT II questions to expose students to the test, as well as standardized tests. Teachers address the importance of the test, as well as provide test taking strategies throughout the year, over a series of years to address these issues and expose our students to as much as they possibly can prior to sitting for these tests. Curriculum-Based Preparation for Students at Cherry Hill Schools 26

27 AP Potential 27

28 Administration must be on board. Presentation to Principal on AP Potential usage: Principals will receive student PSAT scores along with a password for AP Potential. If your school’s administration is not currently using AP Potential, please review the benefits of this program to your principal and school staff as professional development. Look at AP subjects currently offered and/or subjects you would like to offer Select you Pool of students; Choose the grade level of students who took the PSAT Choose a percentage of students likely to score 3 or better on the AP Examination. The percentages range from 1.5 to 99.9 percent. You can make adjustments to the percentages in order to create your largest or smallest pool Student roster: You’ve now created a student roster which can be exported from the AP Potential site AP Potential is used for IB Higher Level coursework as well AP Potential is just the Beginning…. Upon Receipt of Scores in December 28

29 Letters to parents inviting their child to take an Advanced Placement Course A sample letter is located on the AP Potential site in English and Spanish Explain rigor and the its connection to success in college AP Assembly-Outline for students and parents separately or during open school nights Discuss program implementation at home and the resources available for students and families Discuss financial benefits of an Advanced Placement Course AP Potential Success: 29

30 Buy in and support for teachers: Professional Development is Key AP Audit necessary to certify teachers as AP Teachers Open enrollment for AP courses: Equity, Access and Collegiality Understand how to change percentages to increase your potential AP student pool Take student surveys on their AP course interests Provide student support; Have AP Summer Institutes/ AP Student Test-taking Strategy workshops in your largest subject area enrollments. Develop organizational/ study skills workshops for new AP students Sustaining new Advanced Placement Programs: 30

31 AP Potential helps schools grow AP programs Offer an Advanced Placement course at your Alternative High School Program Think Outside The Box! 31

32 If you are not aware of how to use AP Potential, go to and use an Archived Online Workshop for training purposes 32

33 PSAT/NMSQT General Information 33

34 The Official Educator Guide to the PSAT/NMSQT 34 The Official Educator Guide is a comprehensive resource for educators and contains helpful information organized by the following topics: Before the Test Administering the PSAT/NMSQT After Score Reports Arrive Connecting Students to College

35 PSAT/NMSQT Downloads 35 PSAT/NMSQT resources are available from the PSAT/NMSQT Downloads page of the College Board website. Resources are grouped by type For example: Before the Test: proctor checklist, letters to parents, Official Educator Guide After Score Reports Arrive: Understanding Scores, student and parent tutorials, Destination College video My College QuickStart Downloads: lesson plans, Implementation Guide, and parent letters MyRoad Downloads: lesson plans, student fliers

36 My College QuickStart PSAT/NMSQT Summary of Answers and Skills AP Potential Web URL’s for Tools Reviewed Today 36

37 Questions? If you have further questions, please contact: Mimi Lee – Natalie Davy – 37

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