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Fall 2009 Test III for Chapters 1 to 10 —Closed Book.

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1 Fall 2009 Test III for Chapters 1 to 10 —Closed Book

2 1. Give the English pronoun equivalent to each of the following Latin personal endings: –T he, she, it –MUS we –TIS you all –S you –Ō I

3 2. Translate each sentence into Latin. She is a frightened slave-girl. Est Ancilla Perterrita Ancilla perterrita est.

4 2. Translate each sentence into Latin. He is not a Roman slave. Non Est Servus Romanus Non est servus Romanus.

5 2. Translate each sentence into Latin. I am a good student. Sum Bona (Bonus) Discipula (Discipulus) Sum bona discipula.

6 2. Translate each sentence into Latin. You all are good students. Estis Boni Discipuli Boni discipuli estis.

7 2. Translate each sentence into Latin. We do not like wolves. Non Amamus Lupos. Lupos non amamus.

8 3. Write the correct word in the blank and explain your choice using complete sentences. AENĒĀS ______________ PORTAT SENEX or SENEM? SENEM ET _____________ EX URBE DŪCIT. PUER or PUERUM? PUERUM Why? They are direct objects.

9 4. What is the infinitive in ERRĀRE EST HŪMĀNUM? ERRĀRE 5. When should you use CLĀMANT instead of CLĀMAT? CLĀMANT is plural, so you should use in when there are two or more people shouting.

10 6. Complete the table below for the verb HABEŌ, HABĒRE to have, hold HABEŌ= I hold We hold= HABĒMUS HABĒS= You hold HABĒTIS= You all hold He, she or it holds= HABET

11 7. For each phrase below translate the preposition into English. AD PORTAS __________________________ the gates At, to, toward ANTE BELLUM ________________________the war Before CONTRA GRAECOS _____________________the Greeks Against IN EQUUM _____________________________the horse Into POST MORTEM _________________________death After PROPE RIVUM __________________________the stream Near, next to

12 7. For each phrase below translate the preposition into English. E (or EX) RAEDA __________________________the carriage Out, out of IN AGRIS _________________________________the fields In PRO BONO ________________________________the good For SUB ARBORIBUS __________________________the trees Under, beneath

13 8. Creative writing. Choose the ending. Use at least 10 words in correct Latin. NUNC ANCILLA IN VIA SPECTAT. MARCUS RAEDAM ASCENDIT ET CORNELII DISCEDENT. QUIS RĪDET? QUIS LACRIMAT? QUIS CLĀMAT? CŪR?

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