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1 Grounds for Success Help local business owners with their Franchise site selection.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Grounds for Success Help local business owners with their Franchise site selection."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Grounds for Success Help local business owners with their Franchise site selection

2 22 Franchise Site Selection A good location can mean more revenue for any business! Buxton, through SCOUT, can help you provide important information to your local business owner who is looking to open a franchise. According to, there are several factors that a business owner should consider when looking for the right Demographics, such as age, income, households, etc. Traffic Counts Competition Read more:

3 33 Specific Franchise Requirements s/sitereuirements/DD-Site-Demo-Lease-Requirements.pdf s/sitereuirements/DD-Site-Demo-Lease-Requirements.pdf

4 44 SCOUT Reporting & Insights  Complete Demographic Report o Provides income, age, population, total households, etc.  Internet Search o Allows you to display competitors on the map for visibility  Traffic Counts o Allows you to find the closest Traffic Counts to the site

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