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TI – 83 Plus1 A Quick Reference Presentation for AMSTI Year 1 Training.

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Presentation on theme: "TI – 83 Plus1 A Quick Reference Presentation for AMSTI Year 1 Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 TI – 83 Plus1 A Quick Reference Presentation for AMSTI Year 1 Training

2 2 Previewing Keyboard To turn on, press ON. To turn off, press 2 nd ON. To darken screen, toggle 2 nd and  (up cursor). Notice the changing number in the upper right corner. The higher the number the darker the screen.

3 3 Previewing Keyboard To lighten screen, toggle 2 nd and  (down cursor). Notice the changing number in the upper right corner. The lower the number the lighter the screen. If the screen display must be set at 8 or higher to be visible, it is time to change the batteries.

4 4 Previewing Keyboard There are many menus and embedded menus in the graphing calculator. Should you find yourself “lost”, you can return to the home screen by using 2 nd QUIT. ( “Quit and go home”).

5 5 Previewing Keyboard The home screen is available for normal calculator computations. Home screen cursor is a black square. Use the calculator to evaluate: 1507-0800= ?

6 6 Previewing Keyboard The home screen is available for normal calculator computations. MATH button –Built-in functions

7 7 Previewing Keyboard ALPHA enters alphabetic characters (offer students a few minutes to enter a message before continuing). Do not use ALPHA to enter variables. X, T, , n enters one of the four symbols as variables.

8 8 Previewing Keyboard Edit an entry using the backspace cursor, DEL, or 2 nd INS keys

9 9 Previewing Keyboard ALPHA Type your name. Type a short message to your neighbor.

10 10 Previewing Keyboard The home screen is available for normal calculator computations. Home screen cursor is a black square. 2 nd function cursor shows a white arrow in the square. 

11 11 Clean up time – Returns display to the best settings for future work! Clean-Up Procedure 2 nd + (MEM) 7 1 2

12 12 Check MODE All menu items should be highlighted on the left. Clean-Up Procedure

13 13 Clean-Up Procedure Clear y = This step is optional, but works well with students to get them all on the same page.

14 14 Clean-Up Procedure Zoom 6 This step sets your window at a standard setting. It may be adjusted later either manually or with the Zoom feature.

15 15 Optional Clean-Up Procedure Format To check FORMAT you must use the 2 nd key. Highlight items on the left. This step is a good Troubleshooter, also.

16 16 Stat STAT is used to enter data into lists and manipulate them.

17 17 Stat To enter data into a chosen list, press STAT, highlight Edit and ENTER, or just press 1. Enter data in list 1 (L1) or use arrows to move to other lists. Formulas may be entered in lists.

18 18 Using STAT PLOT to Make Scatter Plots Enter new data in appropriate lists. L1 Hours Spent Studying: 2, 1, ½, 4, 0, 3 L2 Score on Test: 87, 82, 90, 97, 64, 89

19 19 Stat Plot Turn Plot on. Select type of graph. Select list(s) of data. Choose type of plotting mark. STAT PLOT is used to graph data from selected lists.

20 20 Using STAT PLOT to Make Scatter Plots Display menu by pressing 2 nd and STAT PLOT Turn on Plot 1 (highlight Plot 1, Enter, highlight ON on new screen).

21 21 Using STAT PLOT to Make Scatter Plots Choose type of graph (must be a reasonable choice for type of data listed). Choose type of mark Press ZOOM 9 (ZoomStat) Graph

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