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Strategies for Implementing the 5D+ Purpose and Student Engagement Dimensions in the Classroom Hosted by Julie Milder.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Implementing the 5D+ Purpose and Student Engagement Dimensions in the Classroom Hosted by Julie Milder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Implementing the 5D+ Purpose and Student Engagement Dimensions in the Classroom Hosted by Julie Milder

2 Let’s introduce ourselves with your name, your assignment this year, and your favorite thing from your summer so far.

3 Norms for Learning  Talk  Listen  Share ideas  Respect opinions and ideas shared  Care about the learning of one another  Keep electronic distractions to a minimum

4 Learning Target Today you are going to learn how to explain the dimensions of Purpose and Student Engagement on the 5D+ Rubric. What does this LT mean? What will it look like and sound like when you can do it?

5 Success Criteria By the end of the session you will be able to  articulate the difference between the performance levels of the indicators.  list teacher and student observables for the distinguished performance level for each indicator.  give examples of classroom strategies that positively impact student learning and may help you achieve a higher evaluation rating.

6 Other examples of Learning Targets and Success Criteria LT in red, SC in green Today you are going to learn how to use question marks in a sentence to change 3 telling sentences to asking sentences. Today you are going to learn to find the area of an octagon. You will need to be able to  divide an octagon into triangles and rectangles.  find the correct area of each triangle and rectangle.  add all the little areas correctly and label the final area in square units.

7 What do you notice about the examples given for learning targets and success criteria? What do you wonder about learning targets and success criteria?

8 Learning targets: What we want students to know and be able to do as a result of the daily lesson. A target is measurable and in support of unit goals and standards. Success criteria: What it will look and sound like, for both teacher and student, if the student hits the lesson learning target.

9 For more information and examples, visit

10 Pick-up Stations  There are two pick up stations in the room.  Please visit both pick up stations and pick up a copy of the Purpose dimension and the Student Engagement dimension of the rubric.

11 Purpose indicators P1 - Standards: Connection to standards, broader purpose and transferable skill P2 - Standards: Connection to previous and future lessons P3 - Teaching Point: Teaching point(s) are based on students’ learning needs P4 - Learning Target: Communication of learning target(s) P5 - Learning Target: Success criteria and performance task(s)

12 1. Start at the Basic level for P1. Read through and highlight the descriptors. 2. Next, read through the Proficient descriptors for P1. Highlight the differences between the Basic and the Proficient descriptors. 3. Finally, read through the Distinguished descriptors for P1. Highlight the differences between the Proficient and Distinguished descriptors. 4. Repeat for all indicators of the Purpose dimension.

13 Discuss what you found with the people around you. What phrases or terms in the descriptors might be confusing to someone?

14 Student Engagement indicators SE1 – Intellectual Work: Quality of questioning SE2 - Intellectual Work: Ownership of learning SE3 – Engagement Strategies: High cognitive demand SE4 - Engagement Strategies: Strategies that capitalize on learning needs of students SE5 - Engagement Strategies: Expectation, support and opportunity for participation and meaning making SE6 – Talk: Substance of student talk

15 1. Start at the Basic level for SE1. Read through and highlight the descriptors. 2. Next, read through the Proficient descriptors for SE1. Highlight the differences between the Basic and the Proficient descriptors. 3. Finally, read through the Distinguished descriptors for SE1. Highlight the differences between the Proficient and Distinguished descriptors. 4. Repeat for all indicators of the Student Engagement dimension.

16 Discuss what you found with the people around you. What phrases or terms in the descriptors might be confusing to someone?

17 Visit either station and pick up a 5D+ Teacher Evaluation Glossary. Look up whatever phrases or terms in the descriptors you thought might be confusing to someone.

18 Discuss the terms you find in the glossary that help define the rubric language.

19 What connections do you see between the indicators? For example, P3 is about planning the strategies used in the classroom for SE4.

20 Learning Target and Success Criteria Today you are going to learn how to explain the dimensions of Purpose and Student Engagement on the 5D+ Rubric. By the end of the session you will be able to  articulate the difference between the performance levels of the indicators.  list teacher and student observables for the distinguished performance level for each indicator.  give examples of classroom strategies that positively impact student learning and may help you achieve a higher evaluation rating.

21 Lets take a 15 min break.

22 Possible Observables Possible observables are examples of teacher and student behaviors that can be observed as evidence to support the indicators of the rubric. P4: Teacher communicates the learning target(s) through verbal and visual strategies, checks for student understanding of what the target(s) are and references the target throughout instruction. What are possible observables for the distinguished performance level of P4?

23 Carousel Graffiti  The rest of the distinguished level descriptors for the indicators for Purpose and Student Engagement are on flip chart paper around the room.  Our task is to write possible observables for the distinguished level of that indicator.  Decide where you would like to start.  When the music starts, go to that flip chart.  If you find yourself alone at a flip chart, that might work fine but your conversations may be more rich with a group. Groups of 2 – 4 will work best.  Read the distinguished level descriptors for that indicator.  When the music starts, talk with your group about what observable teacher and student behaviors might be evidence to support that indicator. Record your ideas on the poster.  Rotate and repeat.

24 Gallery Walk  You may want something to write with and take notes on for this next step. I have created a note sheet that might be helpful.  Starting wherever you would like, visit all of the posters and read the ideas listed.  Write down ideas you might be able to use in your classroom.  You may walk about and rotate to the posters freely as the music plays.

25 Decide which idea is your favorite or decide which of these ideas will help you achieve the goal you set for this year.

26 Under which indicator is your favorite idea listed? What other indicators might it also be evidence of? For example, strategies listed under SE1 often support SE6 as well.

27 For more information and examples, visit

28 Learning Target and Success Criteria Today you are going to learn how to explain the dimensions of Purpose and Student Engagement on the 5D+ Rubric. By the end of the session you will be able to  articulate the difference between the performance levels of the indicators.  list teacher and student observables for the distinguished performance level for each indicator.  give examples of classroom strategies that positively impact student learning and may help you achieve a higher evaluation rating.

29 What strategies have I used today that might be evidence for the indicators on the rubric? MusicNorms Supply stationsVisuals Ones step at a time directionsHigh cognitive demand Deflected questionsManage by time Processing loops (Student talk)Just in time materials Students having the locus of controlCarousel graffiti Next step processingGallery walk ChoiceMovement Visual and verbal LT and SCGroup work Revisiting the LT and SC Having students process the LT Success criteria align with the performance tasks

30 Student Talk



33 Learning Target and Success Criteria Today you are going to learn how to explain the dimensions of Purpose and Student Engagement on the 5D+ Rubric. By the end of the session you will be able to  articulate the difference between the performance levels of the indicators.  list teacher and student observables for the distinguished performance level for each indicator.  give examples of classroom strategies that positively impact student learning and may help you achieve a higher evaluation rating.

34 I would like your feedback on this session. I would like to know what information or professional development you might want from me throughout the year. Please leave your feedback form on your table.

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