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General Robotics 200011.1.2000 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 LEGO Rover Design Workshop 2000 Michael Rosenblatt.

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Presentation on theme: "General Robotics 200011.1.2000 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 LEGO Rover Design Workshop 2000 Michael Rosenblatt."— Presentation transcript:


2 General Robotics 200011.1.2000

3 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 LEGO Rover Design Workshop 2000 Michael Rosenblatt

4 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Contents Analysis of task, based on provided information. Designing good robot platforms for adverse terrain. Control “Smart Mechanisms”

5 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Analysis of Provided Information Primary Paths Zone by zone analysis Alternate paths Failure cases

6 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Primary Path

7 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 1: Start Position Start orientation unknown Free space is approximately 10” x 14” Robot must be able to turn agilely in this space No significant terrain features

8 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 2: Boulder Field Ten (10) or eleven (11) medium sized boulders Spacing 3” to 5” apart Height appears to be up to 1.5 inches Robot will not be able to drive in between

9 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 3: Downhill Grade Slope is approximately -4 / 15, or 26% downhill grade. Appears pretty smooth, small (perhaps 1”) ledge at bottom.

10 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 4: Narrow Passage First narrow passage Six (6) inches wide Steep slope on right End of world on left

11 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 5: Steep Climb Slope is 4/7, or.57 % Not smooth, ledges Ten (10) inches wide “Death” drops on both sides Steep approach angle Steep break-over angle break-over angle = The supplement of the angle of the slope. minimum break-over angle = The smallest angle your robot can handle without bottoming out.

12 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 6: Plateau Appears to have three, 1” slabs of rock Enough space to drive between Don’t waste time here

13 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 7: Second Downhill Grade Slope is -4/10 or 40% down slope Steeper at top Class 2-3 terrain (can roll through) Negative terrain features Narrow (5 inches) at bottom “bridge” section

14 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 8: Turning Section Apparent 140 degree left turn Rough “Class 3” terrain “Death” drop on outside of turn

15 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Zone 9: Final Ascent Gradual slope Nine (9) inches wide No notable terrain features visible from data

16 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Design Matrix

17 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Alternate Path 1: Canyon

18 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Alternate Path 1: Bridge Layer

19 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Failure Cases Robot is in control, but it is clear you cannot execute the path you have planned. Robot has mechanical failure (i.e. wheel falls off) that is crippling but not fatal Robot has fatal mechanical failure Robot has fatal driving error

20 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Failure Cases

21 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Designing Good Robot Platforms for Adverse Terrain Drive trains revisited Differential drive configurations Center of Gravity Mechanical Robustness Suspensions Testing

22 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Drive Trains Revisited Drive trains up to this point have demonstrated good control These drive trains need to handle high- torque situations Back driving Foreign objects Weak links

23 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Differential Drive Advantages in steering What happens if you lose a DOF?

24 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Center of Gravity Masses –Handy Board –LEGO motors Separate battery from board Consider CG in relation to length and width Traction –Biased-end design

25 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Mechanical Robustness Masses are securely fixed in place –3M Double sided foam tape Internal forces are supported Structure can handle odd forces No parts sticking out

26 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Suspensions May help with terrain tracking 1st: Wheel/track suspension (uses squishyness of wheels, span of tracks 2nd: Active Dampening Suspensions –Tube things in kits –LEGO shock absorbers –Random foam, springs 3rd: Passive suspensions –Rocker-Boogie suspension

27 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Testing Torque Tests Hill Tests Various terrain Ground clearance Approach / Break-over / Exit angle Actual runs on real terrain

28 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Control Robot has 1st person perspective Pilot has 3rd person perspective (sometimes occluded) Where to put intelligence? Autonomy?

29 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Control: Robot Intelligence Robot has encoders, takes go(int inches), turn(int degrees) Robot has ground sensors (feelers) to abort command when robot may go off an edge Robot has inclination sensors (mercury switches, rolling ball inclinometers, accelerometers) to detect rollover danger Robot has internal sensing to detect use of special functions, or self-diagnostics

30 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Control: Robot Autonomy Robot has autonomous functions to deploy equipment Robot can autonomously navigate occluded areas (i.e. wall following) Robot can automate compounded functions such as expanding

31 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Smart Mechanisms Mechanisms that compound DOFs –Can do different things depending on which way turned Release mechanisms Expanding Mechanisms Locking Mechanisms –Can lock an expansion or an appendage into position E-Mail me (and other TAs) for consulting

32 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Neat Ideas Marsupial Robots –Robin Murphy, USF Shape Reconfiguring robots – Asymmetry NASA Rovers Current off road vehicle examples –Land Rover –Jeep –Hummer –The Animal (ok, old) –Other Toys

33 General Robotics 200011.1.2000 Questions?

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