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The Benefits of Participation in the Social Web of Science Antony Williams Research Square October 30 th 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "The Benefits of Participation in the Social Web of Science Antony Williams Research Square October 30 th 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Benefits of Participation in the Social Web of Science Antony Williams Research Square October 30 th 2014

2 My background… From 1985-present day PhD’ed in the UK Canadian Government lab as postdoc Academia as NMR Facility Manager Fortune 500 Company as Technology Leader Start-up – product manager and CSO Consultant – chemistry informatics industry Entrepreneur – Created “ChemSpider” Publisher - Royal Society of Chemistry

3 My greatest contribution so far?

4 I am a set of statistics & profiles My Blog: Twitter: ORCID: Amazon Author Page: Follow Link to Author PageFollow Link to Author Page My Klout: LinkedIn: SlideShare: Google Scholar Citations Profile: Antony Williams CitationsAntony Williams Citations Wikipedia :

5 My Brand: ChemConnector

6 Scientists measured by Impact

7 My New Interest? Teaching… My new interest…

8 Helping build profiles… Can I help scientists have a greater impact? Other thank providing access to scientific data how can I help? Researchers focus on discovery but are measured by publications, funding and patents. Tenure is a common goal - IMPACT matters How will researchers achieve societal impact ?

9 Measuring Impact?

10 My Judgments… Researchers do not work hard enough on sharing their research, teachings or data Impact is more than “Published XX papers in YY journals with Impact Factors of ZZ” The Metrics of Impact are changing Collaboration is more necessary than ever Platforms for sharing activities can result in broader exposure

11 Research Outputs Blogs Research datasets Scientific software Posters and presentations at conferences Electronic theses and dissertations Performances in film and audio Lectures, online classes and teaching activities

12 The Alt-Metrics Manifesto

13 National Information Standards Organization and “Altmetrics”



16 AltMetrics via Plum Analytics

17 Usage, Citations, Social Media

18 Detailed Usage Statistics

19 Ask a researcher these Qs… How much work generating and analyzing data? How much effort to represent your research – presentations, publications? How long does it take to write a publication? How much work/time for the peer review process? Does anyone now argue against Open Access? What about the future of Open Data?

20 Publications First… Impact Factors DO still matter… I want the BEST peer review process, with the highest chance of publication, in the fastest time, with the greatest exposure, and the highest impact factor (Research Square helps) Increasingly important to consider for me… Open Access/Open Data (funding aside!) Article Level Metrics are VERY IMPORTANT Post-publication annotation/enhancement Supplementary Info Data handling

21 A shift to Openness

22 Open Data is here…

23 Article Level Metrics



26 POST-publication comments


28 Oops…

29 >2 Years to Resolution

30 Oxidation by Sodium Hydride?

31 The Blogosphere Analyzes…


33 POST-publication comments


35 What I try to teach now… Scientists need to participate in building their own profile Generally visibility means discoverability Establish a public profile Get on the record Collaborative Science Demonstrate a skill set You are already quantified Contribute to the public peer review process

36 LinkedIn

37 My Google Scholar Profile

38 Mendeley

39 Sharing your works online



42 How I am Quantified…


44 Participating in your profile

45 Kudos



48 Kudos and Forward Citations!

49 What will researchers change? There will be less denial of the power of the network – and especially the platforms Funding agencies are pushing hard to track impact – and Altmetrics are high on the list Supervisors will encourage student participation for a cascaded impact It won’t be just about the publications – data sharing and reuse, blogs, presentations Hopefully sharing RESEARCH DATA

50 Research Square and ORCID?

51 Research Data

52 Micropublishing with Peer Review

53 Compounds

54 Reactions

55 Analytical data

56 Crystallography data

57 My hopes for publishing research: –Peer review will no longer be anonymous –Open Annotation and post-publication review available from every publisher –Access to “raw data” for interrogration, download and reuse is expected from SI data –Article Level Metrics will be the norm and Altmetrics measures of impact have settled –“Micropublishing” of unpublished results increased –Publications are not “dead” and can be extended.. Publishing 10 years from now?

58 Open Annotation accepted

59 Open Annotation

60 Thank you Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-2668-48210000-0002-2668-4821 Twitter: @ChemConnector@ChemConnector Personal Blog: SLIDES:

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