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Information To Assess Right Way Forward  Cause of damage  Would you have surgery without seeing a physician to see what is wrong?  Extent of damage.

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Presentation on theme: "Information To Assess Right Way Forward  Cause of damage  Would you have surgery without seeing a physician to see what is wrong?  Extent of damage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information To Assess Right Way Forward  Cause of damage  Would you have surgery without seeing a physician to see what is wrong?  Extent of damage  Job blow out  Expands to become structural  Structural significance of damage  If it will not become unsafe or cause loss leave it  Likely future damage if left – two extremes  If it wont fail in design life leave it  A stich in time  Prognosis if repaired  Some repairs cause more problems than they solve  Life Cycle Cost – Cheap and repetitive vs once off and long life

2 Client Interview  Ask questions  What does he want in terms of Overall Life Aesthetics Operational interference Safety Budget (lowest cost now or long term)  Risk Consequence of failure (Likelihood comes from survey)  History  Design, construction, operation and maintenance  Inform  Company policy on Approach to assessment and repair Liability involved Risk minimalisation  Confirm in writing*

3 Damage Assessment Damage Spalling Cracking Active Corrosion Future Activation Future Damage Survey Method Visual Potential, Drummy Cl-, Carb, Cover Resistivity Polarisation Repair Patch Injection CP Coating Environmental Control

4  Split structure into environments  Prepare proformas based on  structural assessment  detailing & general arrangement  expected damage  environmental exposure  usage  Prepare inspection & testing plan  Adopt defect classification code

5 Spray Zone Splash Zone Variable Pressure Hollow Leg High Pressure Hollow Leg Intermediate Zone

6 Low Value High Value ComplexSimple Simplicity = Operability x Interpretability Value = Applicability / Cost High Use Low Use IE old 2516 0.2 1 5 IE new/Thick REP IE new/Crack GPR old GPR new LPR CR TP ISAT RCM r DRH

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