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TEAN Workshop 4 th March 2011 Andy Jones MMU, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Institute of Education Vice Chair of UCET.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAN Workshop 4 th March 2011 Andy Jones MMU, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Institute of Education Vice Chair of UCET."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAN Workshop 4 th March 2011 Andy Jones MMU, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Institute of Education Vice Chair of UCET

2 Where are we post (and pre) White Paper ? A state of limbo ? Headlines but no clarity ? Nervousness or enthusiasm ? Realistic or deluded ? Ideology on a crash course ?

3 Gove’s Key Myth Need to, ‘..get trainee teachers out of colleges and into schools…’

4 ‘Do you think Gove is in the right job ?’

5 Routes to QTS PGCE (1 year, 2 year, flexible) 3-4 year UG programmes – mainly primary Employment Based Routes (much HEI input) Teach First Overseas Trained Teachers I-Teach (Hibernia College) Distinctions between QTS and HEI awards??

6 A Success Story 77% of 30 000 ITE entrants are in mainstream ITT run jointly by HEIs and schools. Most of the rest are in are in SCITTs and EBITTs managed, validated or supported by HEIs – also true for Teach First, I Teach TDA NQT Survey 2008 – 85/86% rated training as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ Ofsted – 97/94% of trainees are in HEIs rated in top two quality categories (47% ‘Outstanding’) 59% of PGCE have 2:1, 95% have 2:2

7 Select Committee questions pre White Paper ? –9 month PGCE inadequate ? –UG routes too unwieldy and costly ? –Should be master’s level profession ? –Consistency between school and post compulsory ITT ? –Regulatory framework too burdensome ? –Not enough commitment and involvement from schools ? –Increase entry qualifications esp. UG ?

8 White Paper Points Direct funding for ITE in schools ? Financial incentives for best graduates ? Subject emphasis ? NC to be reviewed Military recruitment ? Teach First to be doubled Teaching Schools and University Training Schools

9 Unanswered ?’s Future of UG routes ? Demographics ? Scale ? Future funding/level – Browne Review ? CPD and wider-workforce - numbers and funding ? Teaching Schools ? University Training schools ?

10 ‘Take us forward’ Remove UG altogether, maintain ‘supply rate’ via PGCE + school based ? All ITT to be Master’s level ? Teaching schools work with HEIs (as now) but what are the logisticaL challenges ? English Bacc’ - ?


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