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Wednesday – October 5, 2011 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: How/where did human beings originate? (be as detailed and descriptive with your response.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday – October 5, 2011 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: How/where did human beings originate? (be as detailed and descriptive with your response."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday – October 5, 2011 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: How/where did human beings originate? (be as detailed and descriptive with your response as possible) ***If you don’t know for sure, try to think of ways humans might have originated*** Aim: Why are humans separate from animals?

2 Copy the following words/definitions into your notebook: 1.Paleolithic Age – “Old Stone Age”. The time before the Agricultural Revolution. 2.Hunter-gatherer – people who travel from place to place hunting and gathering the food they need. 3.Domestication – the taming of plants and animals for human use. 4.Neolithic Revolution – “New Stone Age”. The time period of and after the Agricultural Revolution when people settled in one place and domesticated plants/animals. 5.“Lucy” – early human remains found in the Great Rift Valley of Africa. She is the oldest, best-preserved skeleton of any walking human ancestor that has ever been found. 6.Donald Johanson – discovered a 3.5 million-year-old fossil (“Lucy”) in 1974. 7.Specialization of labor – development of skill in one area of work to such an extent that the person can use his skill to support himself. Indicates the beginning of the Urban Revolution - people living in communities.

3 How/Where did humans “begin”? It is believed they began in the Great Rift Valley area of Eastern Africa

4 What did humans master first? It is believed they mastered fire first.

5 Why are humans separate from animals? 1.Language 2.Use of tools 3.Reason

6 “Out of Africa” Theory


8 Every human has descended from a small group in Africa, who then migrated throughout the world.

9 “Multi-Regional” Hypothesis

10 Humans evolved from many different groups in many different places throughout the world.

11 1. Early peoples who moved frequently as they searched for the food they needed for survival are called 1)hunters and gatherers 2)village dwellers 3)subsistence farmers 4)guild members

12 “I am lucky enough to have been involved for half a century with work, mostly in East Africa, that very much belongs to everyone, since it concerns the human origins that are common to the whole human race.” - Mary Leakey, Autobiography

13 2. In this quotation, the author is implying that early humans 1)migrated from Africa to Eurasia 2)first appeared in Africa 3)invented tools and mastered the use of fire 4)appeared shortly after the Neolithic Age

14 H.W. #8 “Move Over Lucy…” article handout Lucy vs. Ardi handout – Read the article. – Answer all questions in complete sentences. – Due: Tomorrow, October 6

15 Summary A.If you could write a letter today and send it back in time, what is something that you would ask one of your earliest ancestors? - OR - B.Draw a picture of an early human standing next to a human from 2011. write what the main differences are.

16 Answer the following in your notebook 1.Why would a human fossil that is more ancient than Lucy be more important? 2.Does the discovery of Ardi support the Out Of Africa theory or the Multi-Regional Hypothesis? Why? 3.List as many differences that you can find between Lucy and Ardi. 4.Why is the discovery of Ardi so important?

17 Lucy vs. Ardi LucyArdi

18 Critical Thinking Questions 1.What makes us human? 2.Where did we come from? 3.How did we evolve from animals? 4.What is the significance of “Lucy”?

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