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Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s 789 456 123.

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2 Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s

3 789 456 123

4 789 456 123 Scoreboard X O Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins

5 1 Who was the leader of the Mormons who brought them to Utah? Q

6 1 BBringham Young Game Board A

7 2 What is a large group of wagons that travel west together for safety? Q

8 2 Wagon Train A

9 3 What is a fur trapper of the western mountains during the 1800’s called? Q

10 3 Mountain Man A

11 4 Who were people in California during 1849 in search of gold? Q

12 4 49’ers A

13 5 What route did most pioneers travel to go west? Q

14 5 Oregon Trail, Mormon Trail, Santa Fe Trail, California Trail A

15 6 Name three reasons people traveled west? Q

16 6 Get rich, religious freedom, cheap land A

17 7 Where was gold first discovered? Q

18 7 Sutter’s Mill A

19 8 Who was the missionary who wrote letters to encourage others to settle in Oregon? Q

20 8 Narcissa Whitman A

21 9 How did the discovery of gold effect California? Q

22 9 It increased population which led to it becoming a state A



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