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Trees Lives Temp>30° Lives Dies Temp<=30° Temp<0° Temp>=0° Nodes Terminal or Leaf Nodes.

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Presentation on theme: "Trees Lives Temp>30° Lives Dies Temp<=30° Temp<0° Temp>=0° Nodes Terminal or Leaf Nodes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trees Lives Temp>30° Lives Dies Temp<=30° Temp<0° Temp>=0° Nodes Terminal or Leaf Nodes

2 Trees Classification Trees –Predicted outcome is a class (cover type) Regression Trees –Predicted outcome is a value (percent) Boosted Trees –Combines classification and regression trees Random Forests –Combines many trees to improve fit

3 Classification Trees Reflectance < 0.1 Water Yes Reflectance > 0.9 Snow or Cloud Yes Ground No

4 Classification Tree 0.01.0 0.1 0.9 Snow or Ice Ground Water Reflectance

5 Regression Trees Precipitation < 0.5 Suitability=0.0 Yes Precipitation > 0.9 Suitability=0.5 Yes Suitability=0.0 No Precipitation < 0.1 Suitability=0.3 YesNo

6 Regression Trees 0.01.0 0.1 Suitability 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.6

7 Trees Classification and Regression Trees Predictors can be continuous or categorical Easy to interpret and understand Robust Easy to validate Statistical methods well understood Can still make really complex trees that over fit the data!

8 Regression Trees in GIS Geospatial and regression tree analysis to map groundwater depth for manual well drilling suitability in the Zinder region of Niger

9 CA Housing Prices


11 Building Trees Goals: –Find the tree with the least number of “nodes” (branches) that best represents the phenomenon Approach: –Minimize the “deviance” that the samples have from the model

12 R squared

13 Regression Trees in GIS Geospatial and regression tree analysis to map groundwater depth for manual well drilling suitability in the Zinder region of Niger Length of branch indicates amount of deviance explained

14 Regression Trees Analysis of Object Oriented Software, Science Direct

15 Additional Resources An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis –By ALAN AGRESTI –Page 85 R Documentation: –http://cran.r-

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