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By: Catherine Mendoza. Evaluate Implement Develop Analyze Design.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Catherine Mendoza. Evaluate Implement Develop Analyze Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Catherine Mendoza

2 Evaluate Implement Develop Analyze Design

3  Who is the targeted audience for training?  What tasks do they need to learn?  What are the multimedia options for providing the information?  What are the limitations of the target audience and environment?

4  Continue with subject matter analysis  Apply instructional strategies according to content type  Create storyboards.  Design the user interface  Collect needed materials

5  Review information collected in analysis phase and decisions from design phase  Create a prototype  Develop the training materials  All multimedia materials are collected, prepared and created  Do a trial run

6  Train facilitators  Preparation of the learners  Placement of tools  Maintain timeline  Ensure delivery

7  Evaluation goal specification  Preparation  Data Collection  Data Analysis  Revision  Recycling

8  Process of collecting data following implementation of the project in order to determine its effectiveness and satisfies the instructional objectives.  Is instructionally congruent, allows for complete analysis, and provides feedback.  Summative evaluation may measure knowledge transfer, learner outcomes, cost factors, and learner attitude.  Ongoing process designed for use at each phase of ADDIE.  Directs the project and allows for ongoing improvement and adjustment.  Developers collect data and information at each stage of development to improve the effectiveness of the product.

9 Evaluate Implement Develop Analyze Design The Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate (ADDIE) instructional design model is a basic model that holds true for any type of learning. The ADDIE model is simple and includes all the components found in all other instructional design models.

10    

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