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Please Pass the Bread.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Pass the Bread."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Pass the Bread

2 I can…set up an experiment to test the origins and needs of life.
Take out your homework. Warm Up: What are the 4 needs of life?

3 Please Pass the Bread Problem: We need to determine what is needed to get mold on bread to grow. Develop a question.

4 Please Pass the Bread Brainstorm: What factors would affect the growth of bread mold? Develop a hypothesis.

5 Materials: Plastic Bag Dropper Sharpie Paper Towel Tape Slice of Bread Cup of water Ruler

6 Procedure: What will you do to test your hypothesis?
Place slice of bread on paper towel. Using the dropper, add droplets of water to the surface of the bread until the bread is moist, but still coherent. Leave the bread exposed to the air for 30 minutes. Place bread in bag, seal bag, tape bag, put your name on the top of the bag (not to interfere with observations), place bag on window sill. We will make observations for the next 5 days to observe changes compared to our control.

7 How do we measure AREA? Remember- we use metric in science class!
No naked numbers- always mark the unit! Area is squared! Length x Width

8 While you wait… With your group, complete the enrichment activity on Pasteur’s Experiment (pg 5) with your lab group.

9 Wrap Up: Why was it necessary to leave your bread exposed to the open air?

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