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Justice. What about when we talk about the _______ treatment of others?  Legal  Just  Christian.

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Presentation on theme: "Justice. What about when we talk about the _______ treatment of others?  Legal  Just  Christian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Justice

2 What about when we talk about the _______ treatment of others?  Legal  Just  Christian

3 Social Justice from CCC  1928 Society ensures social justice when it provides the conditions that allow associations or individuals to obtain what is their due, according to their nature and their vocation. Social justice is linked to the common good and the exercise of authority.

4 Justice from CCC  1807 Justice is the moral virtue that consists in the constant and firm will to give their due to God and neighbor. Justice toward God is called the "virtue of religion." Justice toward men disposes one to respect the rights of each and to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to persons and to the common good. the just man, often mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures, is distinguished by habitual right thinking and the uprightness of his conduct toward his neighbor. "You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor." 68 "Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven." 69 68 69

5 Justice  Commutative – fairness in agreements, contracts  Distributive – distribution of goods (government responsibility towards citizens, taxes)  Legal – citizens obey laws of society  Social – gospel message applied to structure of society

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